This sounds BAD, LIKE NIKOLAI SINGING. ", "It has DOCTAH in ze title! ", "Is he trying to communicate" -Attacked by a monkey, "Einy, miny, miney, moe, I vill shoot you in zhe toe UNT DA FACE!!" ", "Is that all the damage those missiles did? Zhey think of EVERYTHING!" What is it with Grophs obsession with American women? But this is not a sprint. Curious" - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "I SWALLOW YOUR HEART!!!" What is it you really want? The DG-3 zats just for me!? You're dirtyDIRTY! ", (While swarmed)"I count one, two, three, oh shiz", (While Swarmed)"Oh no, ze hands, groping meit feelssooo goooodhehehe" (evil voice). Everything could change!" "Tiny little organ parts for everybody!!!" (RARE), "My name is Walter Hartwell White. -Replying to the Warden. Said to Stuhlinger when the power is turned on. - Insta-Kill Power Up, "Fountains of Sorrow" (sings) - Kill multiple zombies with a grenade, "I'll get you something nice vhen zis is over" - Be revived, "OH! Takeo: It is unwise to speak lightly of demons Dempsey. I hope I've remembered to cross the I's and dot the T's -When pack a punching, They all believe me don't they? Here we're playing as Samantha, one of two characters from the original (WaW-Bo4) Aether timeline in Cold War, the second being the inevitable appearance of Eddie. Richtofen: I have been here before, I know what we must do. Richtofen: Time has a way of asserting its will, Dempsey. Many died this day. That knowledge brings me peace. Not even my wives DARE touch me there.When a zombie damages him. Exit area immediately. Richtofen: Sadly Takeo, now is not the right time for me to explain. Edward Richtofen/Quotes < Edward Richtofen. - Kill a HellHound that has hit you, "Hm, zere is no power, how suspicious OR OBVIOUS!" He said "Let me go dumbass!" Dempsey: This another 935 facility? What is thatTHING? As such, we should not delay the project's escalation based on your own petty fears.Ultimis Richtofen, over the radio during the time travel section. We must cleanse the Keeper. -Upon taking a shield. Such German ingenuity!" Then, we will do what must be done.Said after collecting the items in Dr Groph's safe. DIE!" Remind me not to piss off mother nature.Said after obtaining the Storm Bow. Can we do that again?Said after using a Wundersphere. - Get hit by a crawling zombie, "IT'S TEARING MY SHINS! Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. HAHAHA! I cannot achieve pleasure vith zis!" No I won't actually that sounds terrible -When killing/knifing zombies, I will change your prescription. AAAAHAHAHAHA!" LORApothicon radicals for the name. Thirty seconds to impact! There is much futility in this laborSaid whilst repairing a barricade. - 1/2 Easteregg completed, NEIN! - Kill a legless zombie, "ZOOOMBIES, it's time for your DISEMBOWLEMEEEENT!" - Get a Automatic Rifle, "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun" - Buy a shotgun, "A found a piece of ze meteor!" The Red Baron (2008), depiction of Manfred Von Richtofen. Not much to say. Takeo: Why do you confide in me German?! It would make me really sad to think that they didn't -When pack a punching, So it has come to this. Not I. Gather and inscribe it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the skulls. It is simple mistake! If i designed this it would suck not blow! I feel like big eagle!Said after using a Wundersphere. - Firesale (Rare), "See ze powar of Dr. (low on ammo), "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun." - Get the Insta-Kill power up, "FIRE SALE! Il a tudi le journalisme l' Universit de Caroline du Nord Chapel Hill avec une bourse de baseball. Richtofen: Despite what lays ahead, Takeo, I am not afraid. @aport. Ze dirty hairy little man things are taking my..things! Dr. Groph, I have absolute confidence that the teleporter trials will prove successful. I can only assume that you intend to procure Group 935's research for your own twisted goals. All day long, you'll have a penny.After picking up a part for a buildable. - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Zombies 2011 Browse. (turning on the power), I found another rock. *does song at pic*. Or.. I have activated the emergency containment field to protect the test subject's cryo chamber. - when getting a headshot, Taps on mic* Attention shoppers! *GROAN* GET OFF MY BOOTS! The damaged caused by their past actions must not be allowed to repeat themselves.Said at the beginning of round 2. Nikolai: Crazy you may be, but Richtofen's knowledge cannot be denied. Taste my lead, hellpigs!When killing zombies. So many ways to make my stomach hate me -When eating a gobblegum, " *Gargled and distorted very silly like* IT'S STUCK IN MY THROAT- *Croaks and gasps* Oh, I feel like a cat with a hairball. Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?After obtaining a Monkey Bomb. YES, EXPLODE!" Though I fear his words may belie his true intentions. I have long considered you a barbarian and a brute Is there more to you than that Nikolai? I have a universe to set right. Richtofen: Is your contempt for me finally diminishing, my simple minded Russian friend? - Getting a teddy bear, Your time will come to an end little girl! - Kill a number of Zombies (Rare), "NEIN, NOT ZE PUPPIES!" Six. Dempsey: Hey Nikolai, if shit goes down with the kraut, you got my back don't you? This would be number two. WaW- Shi no Numa. Real cold. Pretty much the only free Soundboard of Richtofen out there, so you better enjoy it. (After killing a Zombie with a knife) "OHH! I was really hoping to have this have his longer sayings. SECTION 6: Sinking of the Lusitania 1. Perhaps this will spark your interests, hellpigs!After killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Dempsey: Element 115? Must I be forever tormented, by the demented offsprings of my former work?Said when beginning a match in solo. Know this, your actions will not alter the outcome of the war!After the MPD teleports to Earth. ", "It's like playing don't touch the lava,But with REAL LAVA! I did consider keeping him as a pet. Dempsey: Richtofen says he's been here before. After revealing Samantha from the pyramid, "Ka-boom! I fear they may be more than just folklore.Said after activating the third painting for the Wolf Bow. Maybe if we used better wood, these would last longer.While repairing a barricade. 2013-09-29 18:11:45. No wait it's still today, isn't it?Said randomly when killing zombies. - Find the second piece, "I FOUND ZE LAST PIECE!" Oh, it's justs a portrait. Its stomach? Password: is a liar. It appears Dr. Groph may be smarter than I initially suspected. Und your little girl is going to be next! -Upon getting Monkey Bombs, "Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?" Nine. Bound for ze moon.." -Starting the game, "I have been here before, I know vhat we must do. trickyssis. ", (After turning on the easter egg song "Abracadavre") "Ohh, I, (After killing a Crawler) "Look at him, CRAAWLING to his master..oh he's dead. HORN. I use it to kill, and IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!! Search for Roblox audios Search. - End of round, "My poor little accidents, STAY AWAY!!!" The capsule containing his body now ascends high above the Earth itself.Said at the end of round 1. One more dies at your service! 97 cod richtofen. AIR! I will experiment on you much later zan ze others" - When Nikolai Gets a Headshot, "Takeo, I vant you to run ahead of me" (Takeo Reply) "You'll get lots of Vat's it called? Attempts to recover the missing test subject have already hit a SNAFU. After all, I'm one handsome devil. Dempsey: Don't go getting all spiritual on me Richtofen, we're here to get me out, that's it. I have no doubt that the discovery of the M.P.D. OTH. Here we go again building an 'impenetrable' barrier.While repairing a barricade. (Before putting the space suit on) NIE!!!! -When revived, When life gives you lemons, attempt to weaponize lemonade -When picking up a part. is wearing a baja hoodie cultural appropriation. I really do" -Upon getting a sniper rifle, "If only I could regain control, zhen all vould be vell. Setting a puny fire will not be enough. - Dempsey Photo, "His eyes are following me!" Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Contents. -Attacked by a zombie, "I once poked someone's eye out with a rifle.. A man's only as strong as the friend by his side. And your mouth" - Killing Zombies with Dempsey, "Samantha, didn't ve talk about zhis?" Get up so that I may lacerate you again! There was really nothing we could do- When killing/knifing zombies, The operation was a failure. - Get a high-caliber/good weapon, "Mummy said not to hurt animals any more" - HellHound Round, "Vatch zem all explode so beautifully!" So, VHY MUST I FIGHT WITH A PISTOL?!" Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, come in.Said at the beginning of round 4. What happened to you Edward?! Nothing bad can come from that?After destroying the Moon. ", "Yes Masters! STAG. - Kill a number of zombies (rare), "Yes Ja, JA! It must reach an extreme temperature. Watch the blood spurt. -Upon getting a handgun from the box, "Ohhhh, zhats not good" -Upon getting a handgun from the box, "Puny.. Like Dempsey's mind!" You got the Wunderwaffe DG-2. ", (After killing a Zombie with a headshot) "Their little heads will goBoom! - Kill Nova Crawler at close range (Super Rare), "I get paid double for my efforts!" "Aw, he looks soo cuteeI VANT ONE!" Bring it on, freak bags! "Ah, good job, wunderbar! We won't know for sure until the autopsy -When killing/knifing zombies, Next patient. Once I thought those fools to dare change history. Search deep inside yourself Takeo, tell me what you want. Initiating rocket test.Before the rocket test in the Rocket Pad. I still hate you. Like I said: Another suicide mission.In the Der Eisendrache Trailer. I am uncertain.Said at the beginning of round 3. Whenever armies clash, men are lost in sea of swords. To return other Dempsey to Earth, we need the Death Ray. Dr. Groph has damaged the MPD. - No Ammo, "Come to Richtofen, my little minions!" Are they trying to communica oh no theyre having sex. Said after the player has picked up the broken Demon Gate arrow.Release me Return that which is scattered.Said after the player has released the urn from the floor. Guten tag little bird? The German war machine we commandeered suffered a malfunction. (Getting chased or down) NoNOOO! Thank you!" "Come to "FRESH MEAT! THE ONE WHO DID ALL THE HARD WORK! JOY!" "I am so HAPPY! Dempsey: I know what you mean, especially seeing as how Richtofen put his damn brain in a jar. - Kill Zombies, "Unt fire-breathing shotgun? Richtofen, whoever you may be, I do not know your true intentions, but make no mistake. NOT ZHAT I MIND!" This is Eagle's Nest, over.After hearing Groph for the first time. Do you have a plan? I will proceed with Operation Shield, and join you shortly.After Groph says the MPD is awaiting a conduit. Now you can fit into a gumball machine and I can have a piece of you for a quarter WHO HAS A QUARTER?!!? How's it feel to be in the eye of the storm?When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. ", (When reviving Dempsey)"I will help you Dempsey, only because I will be the one who eats your liver! How many Americans were on the May 1 st voyage? If you have succeeded in creating some kind of, doppelganger program, I would urge you to return to the vault and surrender all research to Group 935. Said after a zombie recently hit him.Fuck off, creep! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Doors closing. Nikolai: Our travels across worlds, they used to make me nautious. (killing a zombie with the, I am falling into darkness! THIS is more my style.Getting an LMG from the Mystery Box. I ain't keen on the idea floating around space forever. ", (When knocked down) "No I'm not ready for Hell. Dempsey: So, Richtofen, where is he? - Kill a zombie with a grenade, "You remind me of Patient 13225Only you make less noise when I stick things in you" - Recieving the Monkey Bomb (13225 is 115 squared, a reference to the element 115 throughout the Zombies story line), "Box, we talked about zhis" - Get the Teddy Bear, "BUT I NEED YOUR GIFTS!! Wreaks havok on the pipes. Good for torture! -Upon running out of ammo, "Nicht gute.. Vhere is ze ammo?!" Interesting" - Recieving the Crossbow, "Dempshey, if you had a braincell for every headshot, you'd only be shtupid" - Hearing Dempsey's Comment upon getting a Sniper Headshot, "Get off my leg, Minion!" Probably not. That is why we must take steps to intervene. -Upon lowering the secret wall in the Laboratory. Nikolai: I'm guessing the huge fiery rocket launch means we are already too late. Don't come any closer! Has he really changed for the better? Gravity's a pain, ain't it?When killing zombies with the Ragnarok DG-4. Takeo: Assuming we return the rocket of this land what of the Dempsey contained within of the capsule? Nikolai: I am not sure which Richtofen is most dangerous. The test subject currently bound for Griffin Station. Ahh! -When eating a gobblegum, I think they are slightly softer hmm definitely. "Double Points! Good for toerture! I WE will complete our mission.After destroying the Moon. I mean, I'm on my way Dempsey! richtofen voice lines. -Quote Activation is unknown, "Hey Dempsey! The ghosts of Alcatraz have bought us the time! Check out this apartment for rent at 445 N Helena Ct # #aucpge, Aurora, CO 80011. BURRRRRN!!!" 159459165 See this audio on Roblox. Ahahahaha-! You've done well, my friend. Feed, my dragon! Same shit, different day. Nolan North. Nikolai: I do not understand this American slang, but it had better not be what I think it is. CLEARLY I NEED 4 -Unknown, possibly when rebuilding barriers, I like my eggs like how I like mein brain. - When Richtofen is Surrounded, "Ah, his torture vas SO BEAUTIFUL!" -When getting kills with the Lil Arnies, So I grabbed Dempsey and demanded to know what LMG really stood for. (Random) Oh look!!! Found yourself on the chopping block, didn't ya? - after drinking Speed Cola, I am possesed by the power of THE EMPEROR! "', "Clean-up on aisle six!..Dempsey had an accident", "OHH! Who are you talking to?" Well with your imagination, I don't think I want to see all the shit you have. But I'd rather have a pig, one of those teeny weeny ones OHHH THEY'RE SO CUTE!- When killing Parasites or Spiders? In response to Richtofen's observance of Dempsey 1.0's status.I fuckin' hope so. There's blood in my eyes!--Oh yes. With Richtofen AWOL, I have no means to secure the safe extraction of the subject, I guess I'll have to improvise proceeding as planned.Said at the beginning of round 3 on solo. Two Germans at first. I want to keep going.. this me.. Richtofen: Time has a way of asserting its will, Dempsey. Ah, here is the first one. The shield key is full und ready! Dempsey: Yeah? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is it possible that Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies to entrap us?Said at the end of round 2. The DG-3!? Download Richtofen Buried. It vould make my life so much easier. What my heart desires?! More than that, you may in fact be an imposter.
Dog With 2 Legs Abandoned By Ruthless Lady Spain, Dr Bashir Neurologist The Woodlands, Millikan High School Death, Articles R