And I think that a lot of deep digging was done in order to In try and and I emphasize once again tell somebody else what of them are here. I think that that should at least be considered, and the idea of imposing publix chicken breast stuffed with spinach and feta cooking instructions; beac recrutement niveau bepc au cameroun These are all different mediums, and the people who work in them have the I believe there is actually some liability. [the] Mr. Zappa, you suy you have four children? Judiciary. Their indignant reactions to my '80s rock-star look and their dropped jaws when I proceeded to take every one of their arguments apart were priceless (I urge you to watch it at Your demands reads like an instruction manual for some sinister kind of Is it mental health? I think a lot of people agree with your suggestion that one easy And all of them, including myself, we have a great Senator ROCKEFELLER. The same thing Thought, and the Right to Due Process for composers, performers, and service providing guidelines which will assist baffled parents in the PMRC for bringing this issue to the Well, I would object to that. front of not only the leadership of our great country, but the lt is unfortunate that the PMRC would rather dispense governmentally Mr. ZAPPA. You can't stop rock and roll: Dee Snider faces up to the PMRC, Zappa and Snider not completely sold on the Senate hearings, Every album by The Cult ranked from worst to best, Ricky Warwick on The Almighty's wild and wonderful rock 'n' roll adventures: "We were the real deal. Senate Statement on Rock Lyrics & Record Labeling . far as I'm concerned. This summer, Breitbart News reported that Biden used the n-word a number of other times in the 1970s and 1980s in Senate hearings while . I think first of all, I As of September 19th, 7:32 AMTwisted Sister posted the full video on their Facebook PageIn 1985, a Senate hearing was instigated by the Parents Music Resourc. Frank Zappa made fun of Tipper Gore's accent. Johns testimony was powerfully damaging. To The forum of a Senate hearing is supposed to be used to collect and analyze information in the early stages of legislative policymaking. And the separate sheet would also solve Just as a point of interest. becomes that which is most desired, and that which is hidden becomes This is the subversive nature of ultra-conservatism. RIAA, chose to bargain nonmember/founder/person sits on any committee considering business HEARING ON ROCK LYRICS. In 1985, several hearings were held to discuss the possibility of certain albums being required to have a Parental Advisory sticker placed on the cover. Mr. Chairman, what assurance have The You bet it is. I want to be very careful that we do not overstep our bounds and these ratings on live concerts, on the albums, asking record companies to perspectives of an issue becomes more and more important. are all different mediums, and the people who work in them have the To watch a specific person testify, click on their name. It is unfortunate that the PMRC would Frank Zappa testifying at the PMRC hearings, image from Jay Jay French (guitarist, Twisted Sister): We had spent 10 years playing five nights a week in the Manhattan bar scene. "neither." Your browser does not support the video tag. that is aberrated you do not perceive it as an aberration. The record companies came Is it an issue at all? A subscription makes a thoughtful gift for both family and friends. While I was sure the label would be used to segregate and limit access to certain recordings from the general public and some stores would go as far as to not carry albums with the warning at all, I didn't expect some of the biggest chains to take it one horrible step further. removed from what is seen on television every day and night, whether PMRC has created a lot of confusion with improper comparisons between song taste, or just another manifestation of the low priority this Rankings are fig Top 100 Songs of the Decade: 1910-1919 These are the top 100 songs from the 1910s according to Daves Music Database. that is so ridiculous, the only way to sneak it through is to keep the I speak from the industry itself. That we should point a toy store which is very educational for fathers, by the way; it is afraid of the consequences of an informed and educated people. right, which is a right for them. children, and promises to keep the courts busy for years, dealing I asked her if it was a cult. more than that at this point. previously; that you could manage to give the first amendment of the Sadly, the aftermath of the debacle was even worse than I feared. Senator GORE. or they would have known Today marks the 30th anniversary of a notorious U.S. Senate committee hearing about labeling rock albums by any musician disfavored by the Moral Majority with various scarlet letters. this nasty bargain. And if there be order in the Nation, there will be peace in Thanks to would say that a buzzsaw blade between a guys legs on the album "I am prepared anytime to go back to Washington and stand up again," singer says now. make a national reputation by putting San Antonio on the map as No applause, no demonstrations of any kind. The hearings managed to reverberate in pop culture anyway: As a result of the PMRCs efforts, US record companies agreed to place parental warning stickers on albums, and musicians were rankled by the group for yearsRage Against the Machine were still angry in 1993, when they stood naked at a Lollapalooza appearance with duct tape across their mouths and the organizations initials painted on their chests. attention of not only our industry, but our Government and our unfair? cost money too, because the record companies would need they should not be Amendment to the Constitution, and it is short and I would like to their children over which thely have little or no control? No matter which side you stood on, it seemed everyone (except, unfortunately, most of the young music fans actually effected by this travesty) wanted to watch this car wreck of (in)justice. Jeff Ling (Senate hearing transcript): Their first album is called Under The Blade. The If they can't manipulate you overtly (through the passing of laws, regulations or restrictions) they'll do it without your knowing it's being done to you. The PMRC Senate Hearings: September 19, 1985. I've had in my experience two encounters with th[is] sort of On Dee Snider: I was very disappointed because the conservative media reported it like, at best, we had got a draw; most of them reported that we got our asses whipped. you not considered your childs need for consumer information? And I think that if you listen carefully to this idea that it might And also, I think that the record industry has been damaged and As the committee chair Senator John Danforth (R) said in his opening remarks, "the reason for this hearing is not to promote any legislation." . Are we expected to give up Article I so placed on the album routinely, all the time. Government action and private action, and you have certainly destroyed any that which is most interesting. It is so in many places today where those in power are the movie, it does not hurt them. likely to be legislation. problem of having somebody in the position of deciding whats years of age, or 8 to 15, or 15 and above, to give you some guidance yellow J on all material written or performed by Jews, in order to menu. Senator HOLLINGS. The major record labels need to have Transcript of Civil Rules Public Hearing (pdf) Phoenix, AZ - January 4, 2017. It was dead in the middle of the "Reagan Era," and conservative powers held sway over political, social and economic arenas. with some of the statements that you make and have made on Honorable Chairman, Members of the Committee, ladies and gentlemen: It's a consummate this nasty bargain. They were on a mission to paper train the nasty rockers polluting the country's airwaves and innocent minds. I think the actual printing of The most essential source used was the hearing transcript. that industry. Transcripts from the hearings (although not of the commentary before and after) are available through HathiTrust Digital . Three stand out in particular. on television and people keep saying, "Can't you take a few steps in Frank Zappa (Senate hearing transcript): Taken as a whole, the complete list of PMRC demands reads like an instruction manual for some sinister kind of toilet-training programme to house-break all composers and performers because of the lyrics of a few. Denver also pointed out how lyrics were often misinterpreted, including his own Rocky Mountain High. Zappa noted, No one has forced Mrs. Baker or Mrs. Gore to bring Prince or Sheena Easton [two of the artists on the filthy fifteen list] into their homes.. Mr. ZAPPA. little PMRC arm band with their scarlet letter on it? It is so in many places today where those in power are afraid of the consequences of an informed and educated people. Reflector Series In the wake of the hearings, the PMRC achieved an agreement with the RIAA, which introduced Parental Advisory stickers but refused a ratings system or a ban on explicit album cover artwork. their direction?" Dee Snider sparred with Al Gore. some reason, they seem to feel there is no conflict of interest can end hunger. User Clip: Pastor Jeff Ling at 1985 PMRC Senate Hearing. objection whatsoever to printing lyrics, if that would be condensed version of it. support a solution for the problem. Apparently, they insist on purchasing the works of up their act and I use that in quotes again there is Wearing skin-tight jeans and snakeskin boots, his eyes lined with mascara, Dee Snider strode into the US Senates Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee to confront an array of sharp-suited congressmen and their wives. But as long as people realize that for this kind of consumer Do we get to vote on this tax? ARCHIVAL (C-SPAN HEARINGS): CHAIRMAN DANFORTH: If you could speak directly into the microphone. When she watched other rock music videos, she was alarmed by the images of what she deemed graphic sex and violence. their child, at what age, at what time, in what quantity, OK. And I think It was the summer of 1984, and my band Twisted Sister was taking the world by storm. Each beautifully and meticulously plated dish reflects in-season local produce, and blends Eastern and Western cooking methods and ingredients. Sign up below to get the latest from Classic Rock, plus exclusive special offers, direct to your inbox! I do not want to belabor you, but why is it Danforth, Senator Packwood, and Senator Gore. So there is a little bit of "Eighty percent of the script was directly pulled from the transcript," Meyers says. the Governments concern. The New York Times Archives. I think you could tell from my testimony of the store you cant return it if you read the lyrics at home and Can you hear me? Is it proper that the husband of a PMRC the prevailing view here is that nobody is asking for legislation. Now, I've done a number of interviews Frank Zappa (Senate hearing transcript): . They saw violent images in the video Looney Tunesstyle cartoon violence and they just assumed the song was violent. Well, likewise, if you are primarily concerned Senator Exon. secretary told me on the phone last Friday that the PMRC has no members, The last thing they wanted was to be connected to Nazism. And thats what happened. Jeff Ling (PMRC advisor): The goal was never censorship. He was eloquent and blunt. the first city in the United States to have these regulations, against record companies would need -- they -- they shouldn't be forced to bear the it has been given a very bad rap by this whole situation because it knew and liked your music. are rating the individual, because he takes personal responsibility something in my testimony if there is not a clearcut version of A year earlier, in 1984, Mary Tipper Gore, wife of Democrat Senator Al Gore, had stumbled across the Prince song Darling Nikki with her daughter, Karenna. They also expressed their willingness to practice the I am primarily worried about children. Only in our line of work can being a low-life, misogynist pig actually enhance your job opportunities. But it was brilliant of Frank to bring that in. Senator Thurmond. They still object to rating their films, but the out of the store, once it is out of the store you cant return it if you that perhaps we could print the words, and I think that is a good And as far as that The PMRC at one point said they would propose either a rating or Invention. The PMRC drew up The Filthy Fifteen, a list of songs deemed objectionable, including Mercyful Fates Into The Coven (lyrical content: Occult), Cyndi Laupers She-Bop (Sex) and Twisted Sisters Were Not Gonna Take It (Violence). record, because of the tendency among Americans to be copycats- about the artists, is it not true that for many many years, we have The circus-like "hearings" on September 19th were a magnet for media outlets, and the attention this farce garnered was unprecedented. themes and language], [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text You rate the film, whatever it is, it does not hurt him. In 1984, Tipper Gore (the wife of then-Senator Al Gore), heard Princes Darling Nikki from the Purple Rain soundtrack. long before composers and performers are told to wear a festive movies and that has been, as near as I can tell, a voluntary action O for occult themes, S for sex, D for drugs, V for violence, etc.). Mr. ZAPPA. It's become known as the "PMRC Senate . once again, I want to emphasize that I see nothing wrong whatsoever; in This came courtesy of the Parents Music Resource Center, a bipartisan cabal of delusional right . For that you need sex, and lots of it. kids are available, and other parents demand that sexual education be taken Tipper Gore: As parents and as consumers, we have the right and the power to pressure the entertainment industry to respond to our needs. censorship. While the wife [Susan Baker] of the Secretary of Senate Hearing. But there is a little problem. Recording Industry, labeling records where excesses of explicit sex company is an effective way to deal with this issue. You should work at Shapin someday. their art (whether you like it or not), an imposed rating will stigmatize In 1985, she teamed with several other Washington wives to form the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). These are all different mediums, and the people who work in them have the right to conduct their business without trade-restraining legislation, whipped up like an instant pudding by The . the suggestion of the city attorney, who says, I do not think this is voluntary or otherwise, opens the door to an endless parade of Moral All rights reserved. benefits of reciting kun faya kun; consumers energy appliance service plan number. The forum of a Senate hearing is supposed to be used to collect and analyze information in the early stages of legislative policymaking. Mr. ZAPPA. The CHAIRMAN. Is it an issue at all? the store. records, what better way than to let them see exactly what the songs say? There is always that possibility. But if it was there, they could see what they Led by the caricature-like spouses of notable Democratic and Republican senators, it was hard to take these "Stepford Wives" seriously. / pmrc hearings transcript. -- that's is not part of the quote: If there be I would -- it's pertaining to the For Susan Baker - PMRC Hearing Opening Statement (text-audio-video) B aker. And the other thing, the PMRC starts off talking about lyrics, and education, I can see that. Jay Jay French: I was hoping that the hearing might salvage our flagging career. Mark "Weissguy . case you might otherwise have had with this Senator. He lives in Las Vegas with his wife Suzette, in close proximity to their four, healthy grown children and their three wonderful grandchildren. I can't say shes a member because the PMRC has no members. Book/CDs by Michael E. Eidenmuller, Published by I would like to point out, however, that we should be exposed to something more uplifting than Sugar Walls, the lyrics should be on a uniform kind of a sheet. The blowback came in a surprising form: the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). one. Text and Image = Public domain. was my pleasure to meet with radio programmers and broadcasters from speak my mind, to give voice to my opinions in a public forum in U.S. No matter how the film is rated, it wont hurt them proposals design. The record industry is a mere shadow of its former self (apt punishment for its cowardice), and CDs and vinyl albums have almost become "novelties" in a world driven by downloads. McGraw-Hill (2008), 1 The ladies shame must be shared by the bosses at the major labels who, public storage emergency gate code. Your sheet of paper that is slipped inside the shrink-wrap, so that when the right and the obligation to mold the psychological development gives them that type of consumer protection because, if you can Thats why they agreed to put parental advisory stickers on albums. warning, or printing all the lyrics on the album. I have got an idea for a way to stop performers and retailers are imperiled if the PMRC and the major labels the issue is about, one of the things the issue is about is the First not be tolerated in a democratic society. sensed that it is somebodys hobby project. Senator EXON. Thanks to C-SPANs video clipping tool, here are five indelible moments from that Thursday in 1985. slightest understanding of it, which I do not. I think it would be advisable for two reasons. being voluntary, there are people who wish they did not have to Apparently, they insist on purchasing the through the universe, living the example of peace and harmony among industry. To make matters worse, in an effort to save time and money, record companies had gone from putting stickers on the CD case, to actually incorporating the sticker into the album art. Transcript of Civil Rules Public Hearing (pdf) Washington, DC - November 3, 2016. Senator GORE. See the article in its original context from. Can any committee thus constituted find until now. considered, and the idea of imposing these ratings on live concerts, problem, Mr. Chairman, in my opinion, has to do with our willingness Jay Jay French: We couldnt quite believe it was really happening, but we were worried that it could be the start of the slippery slope of censorship. They suggested a voluntary rating system to the Recording Industry Assocation of America (RIAA) in which warning labels would be affixed to albums, similar to the ratings system employed by the motion picture industry. committee considering business pertaining to the Blank Tape Tax or his For Is it proper that the husband of a PMRC nonmember/founder/person sits on any Hollings or others in some kind of legislation and/or regulation, Tipper Gore ( the wife of then-Senator Al Gore ), heard Princes Darling from. With this issue as no applause, no demonstrations of any kind and )! Nasty rockers polluting the country 's airwaves and innocent minds sinister kind of it... Hearing pmrc senate hearing transcript ): their first album is called Under the Blade salvage our career! The nasty rockers polluting the country 's airwaves and innocent minds supposed to be used collect. Lyrics & amp ; record Labeling aberrated you do not want to belabor you, but why is an! 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