Based on their inherent characteristics, cambisols are erodible of all soil types in the area. Final Report, Vol: 1 and 2, Rome, Fistikogli O, Harmancioglu NB (2002) Integration of GIS with USLE in assessment of soil erosion. The highest Ethiopian mountain is Ras Dejen at 4,550m with the second highest peak of Kidis Yared at 4,453m; other notable peaks include Mount Biuat at 4,437m. The Simien Mountains are remarkable as being one of the few spots in tropical Africa where snow regularly falls. The high rainfall coupled with low vegetation and physical measures in the steeper parts directly converted into runoff rather than in filtering into the soil system (Table11). Greyzems showing hydromorphic properties within 5 cm of the surface. Long year stations average annual rainfall. 03.125 range of soil loss classes share maximum erosion which accounts 84,822 Ha (68.7%) and the minimum accounts 1938Ha (1.57%) on>25% numerical range of soil. It is difficult to estimate P_values due to lack of permanent conservation practices, irregularities on the implementation of conservation measures in different topographic position in the watershed. But, the data on rainfall kinetic energy and rainfall intensity are limited in Ethiopia to compute rainfall erosivity. According to the Fig. C. General, Mathematical and Regional Geography, No. Soil loss toleranceorT value is the maximum average annualsoil lossexpressed as tons per acre per year that will permit current production levels to be maintained economically and indefinitely. The result reveals that from the gross 456,415.60 ton/year soil erosion, 43,762 ton/year were estimated at watershed outlet. /FontName /ArialMT The soils most commonly occurring are lithosols, calcareous regosols, cambrisols and chromic luvisols. 7, 273291 (2021). Lithosols were defined as: "soils other than Histosols that were limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the soil surface." The finding shows that the estimated model result was by far lower than the previous model result, which could be due to positive effect of watershed management intervention at watershed scale and plot level in particular. Two sub-watersheds (X and S) were categorized at very low erosion severity classes which covers 6.58% from total watershed areas. Planosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Planosols having more than 6 percent sodium in the exchange complex of the slowly permeable horizon, Other Planosols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizon, Other Planosols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizon, Other Planosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the slowly permeable horizon within 125 cm of the surface. volume7,pages 273291 (2021)Cite this article. Digital elevation map of the study watershed. . 0000005191 00000 n PHAEOZEMS (H)Other soils having a mollic A horizon. Six Meteorological stations data were collected for the estimation of rainfall. Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, You can also search for this author in In: Edwards S, Demissie A, Bekele T, Haase G (eds) Forest genetic resources conservation: principles, strategies and actions. The climate is very hot and dry. 0 << 1995). The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. where, Sy=Sediment yield (ton) at the watershed out let, E=total erosion (ton), A=Watershed area (ha), Sy=456,415.60ton/year *(1/123,3950.2), Sy=43,762 tons/year. CNR Italy, Firenze, Natali C, Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Siena F (2013) The Axum-Adwa basalttrachyte complex: a late magmatic activity at the periphery of the Afar plume. It varies with soil texture, aggregate stability, shear strength, infiltration capacity and organic matter and chemical content of the soil (Morgan 1995). However, they are unable to analyze the dynamics of sediment erosion and deposition in the watershed as it contains fewer amounts of input data. Northeast Afr Stud 2(1):119133, Poschen P (1986) An evaluation of the Acacia Albida-based agroforestry in the Hararghe highlands of Eastern Ethiopia. [2], This ecoregion extends inland from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, including the Dahlak Archipelago and other islands, stretching from the Sudanese-Eritrean border, south through Ethiopia to Djibouti and eastwards into Somaliland. C factor for the study watershed ranges from 0.04 to 0.17. (5.3%) of Ethiopia's 3.7 million hectares . Springer, The Netherlands, pp 73100, Tefera MM (2011) Land-use/land-cover dynamics in Nonno district, central Ethiopia. The required data collected for analysis are included in the manuscript. /BaseFont /ArialMT The current finding on erosion was evaluated based on the past 10-year land use land cover scenario. Solonetz showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface. The only purely endemic mammal is a gerbil, Gerbillus acticola. Based on the modeling, Soil Conservation Research Project (SCRP) estimated that about 1.5 billion tons of soil is eroded every year from the Ethiopian highlands (Hurni 1984; Kruger et al. 12, Dijo watershed was classified into four severity classes. Environ Model Softw 18(89):761799, Morgan RPC (1995) Soil erosion and conservation, 2nd edn., DOI: 0000003545 00000 n Earth Syst. /FontBBox [-517 -325 1359 998] Lack of moisture and shallow profile preclude cultivation of these soils. collected and analyzed from different land sat imageries, SRTM data, topomaps implementations of sustainable soil conservation and management system in the It is the specific soil and water conservation practices to reduce run-off speed and increase infiltration Wischmeier and Smith (1978). Hawassa, Ethiopia, Wischmeier W, Smith D (1965) Predictingrainfall erosionlossesfrom CroplandEastof theRockyMountains:guidefor selectionof practicesfor soiland waterconservation. Ethiopias natural vegetation is influenced by four biomes. Model. Masters Thesis. Regosols and Lithosols. Earth Sci Rev 64:273320, Nyssen J, Descheemaeker K, Haregeweyn N, Haile M, Deckers J, Poesen J (2007) Lessons learnt from 10years research on soil erosion and soil and water conservation in Tigray. FERRALSOLS (F)Other soils having an oxic B horizon. The second biome is mountain vegetation; it comprises montane and temperate grasslands and covers the higher altitudes of the Western and Eastern highlands. Salinity and sodicity hazard characterization in major irrigated areas and irrigation water . [2] Climate[edit] However, the wetter margins are excellent for livestock, and even the drier margins respond well to irrigation. In addition, the gelada monkey is under threat. ANDOSOLS (T) Other soils having either a mollic or an umbric A horizon possibly overlying a cambic B horizon, or an ochric A horizon and a cambic B horizon; having no other diagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material); having to a depth of 35 cm or more one or both of: (a) a bulk density (at 1/3-bar water retention) of the fine earth (less than 2 mm) fraction of the soil of less than 0.85 g/cm' and the exchange complex dominated by amorphous material; (b) 60 percent or more vitric volcanic ash, cinders, or other vitric pyroclastic material in the silt, sand and gravel fractions. GLEYSOLS (G)Other soils showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface; having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an A horizon, an H horizon, a cambic B horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon. Protected areas include Yangudi Rassa National Park and Mille-Serdo Wildlife Reserve in Ethiopia, Nakfa Wildlife Reserve in Eritrea, and the Djallo and Assamo terrestrial protected areas in Djibouti. Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. Free grazing and cultivation of steep slope(Northern parts) contributed for moderate soil erosion in the watershed should be managed by cutcarry system, limiting the number of cattle units to be grazed in the specific plot of land and leaving the marginal steep slope areas with no ground covers for natural regeneration. a mangrove forest, reeds or sedges). Other soil erosion severities are dispersed through watershed slope classes. Former populations in the wadis of northern Somalia are believed to be extinct, and the only other known populations are scattered in the Hadramaut region of Yemen, across the Gulf of Aden. 22 sub-watershed classes (A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, U, V, W, Y) falls under low erosion severity classes (15 ton/ha/year). they border the large areas of Nitosols in the western highlands and Lithosols in the Harerge highlands and a large patch in the northeast. Slope steepness is classified into five classes. Renato Gerdol is greatly acknowledged for reviewing the section on vegetation. % In general, 64,655ha (52.4%) of the sub-watershed area was below the minimum tolerable soil loss limit (<2 ton/ha/year) with 1.5 ton/ha/year average rate of soil loss. RANKERS (U)Other soils having an umbric A horizon which is not more than 25 cm thick; having no other diagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more of new material). The coldest temperatures generally occur in December or January (bega) and the hottest in March, April, or May (belg). Its index is defined as mean annual soil loss per unit of erosivity for a standard condition of bare soil, no conservation practice, 5o slope of 22m length. and map erosion vulnerable areas using RUSLE model. This implies that the Lithosols have low water-holding capacity. 8), which is within the ranges of Bekele et al. EurLex-2 (2019), who reported that the LS factor for karessa watershed Dawuro zone, south west Ethiopia ranges from 0 in flat areas to 154.6 steeper and longer slope area of the watershed. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15). 0000003057 00000 n [2], The plant life of the region needs more study, which has been hampered by long-term political strife in the region. Soils developed over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits. endobj However, this method does not provide the spatial distribution of soil erosion in complex environment due to cost and availability of input data (Lu et al. 5 0 obj Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. Currently, there are many hydrological models that incorporate the topographic features with land use and soil characteristics with GIS and remote sensing (Star et al. 3). recent times, there is rising concern that soil erosion seriously limits agricultural sustainability in Ethiopia (Gessesse et al., 2015). The result also reveals that most of the watershed erosion severity evaluated under very low and low soil erosion severity classes covering 97.3% of the watershed areas which is due to the effect of mixed plantation of various tree and terraces. The second group of soils, eutric cambisols and ferric and orthic luvisols, are found in the Simien plateau of the Western Highlands. The mean annual soil losses of Dijo watershed range from 0 in the flat slope to 38.09 ton/ha/year from steep slope areas with the annual average soil loss rate of 2.2 ton/ha/year. RENDZINAS (E)Other soils having a mollic A horizon which contains or immediately overlies calcareous material with a calcium carbonate equivalent of more than 40 percent (when the A horizon contains a high amount of finely divided calcium carbonate the colour requirements of the mollic A horizon may be waived). /Leading 150 0000004763 00000 n The rainfall erosivity (R-factor) value of the watershed ranges from 376 to 465 MJmm/ha/year with average erosivity value of 408.9 MJmm/ha/year in (Fig. Somali AcaciaCommiphora bushlands and thickets, "Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands",,, This page was last edited on 3 March 2022, at 06:03. Soil erosion risk and sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss equation and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia. The countrys main geomorphological landscapes regions are identified as follows: (1) the northern highlands, including (i) the volcanic plug belt of Adwa, (ii) the central highlands and (iii) the southwestern highlands; (2) the Rift Valley, which consists of three main portions, namely the northern, central, and southern trunks and the Afar and Danakil depressions; (3) the southern plateau, which consists of a northern and southern sector and includes also the Ogaden tableland gently descending to Somalia and the Indian Ocean. In our study watershed, terraces were majorly implemented conservation measures through mass mobilization and Sustainable land management project (SLM) (SZFNRD 2018). Thus, average annual temperatures in the highlands are in the low 60s F (mid-10s C), while the lowlands average in the low 80s F (upper 20s C). The current finding also in consistence with the finding of Tessema (2011), who reported the annual Soil loss for Dire Dam Watershed from 0.00 to 263.25 ton/ha/year, Amsalu and Mengaw(2014), reported the annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 ton/ha/year in steeply sloping mountainous areas of the north and north-eastern parts of the catchments. There are very few permanent watercourses. Aside from this, the trees produces a milky substance, which is used for ink, for the purpose of writing charms, to be worn on any part of the body as a cure for those possessed by evil spirits, and to prevent their entering those who are not previously tormented with them. The milk of the genwarar was also used in the treatment of lingering sickness. 537; U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, DC, USA. Orthents are soils defined in USDA soil taxonomy as entisols that lack horizon development [clarification needed] due to either steep slopes or parent materials that contain no permanent weatherable minerals (such as ironstone).. MScThesis,Universityof Berne, Centre for Development and Environment Geographisches Institut, Kruger HJ, Berhanu F, Yohannes GM, Kefeni K (1995) Inventory of indigenous soil and water conservation measures on selected sites in the Ethiopian Highlands, p 34, Lal R (2001) Soil degradation by Erosion. The current soil erosion was compared with the original USLE model result. Nitosols develop on gently sloping ground. The lowest soil erosion on Molic Andosols could be due to their good aggregate stability and high permeability to water which make these soils resistanttowater erosion. Soil erosion has on-site and off-site effect; soil quality and productivity as on-site effect (Haregeweyn et al. Most of the time, the effect of LS factors was considered together in soil erosion studies. Xerosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Xerosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Xerosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cm of the surface. Land degradation in the form of soil erosion is the major problems affecting agricultural productivity. ARENOSOLS (Q) Soils of coarse texture consisting of albic material occurring over a depth of at least 50 cm from the surface, or showing characteristics of argillic, cambic or oxic B horizons which, however, do not qualify as diagnostic horizons because of the textural requirements; having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an ochric A horizon. However, in many localities July has the coldest temperatures because of the moderating influence of rainfall. Catena 37:309318, Article recognize at the highest level of classification three major types of mountain soils: Lithosols, Rendzinas and Rankers. /Ascent 905 FAO (1984) and Hurni (1993) also reported annual soil loss from Ethiopian highlands to be 200300 tons ha1year1. We all have agreed to submit our final manuscript for Modeling Earth Systems and Environment Research journal and approved the submission. Using the empirical equations, the sediment yield at the watershed outlet was calculated as follows. Soil and water are crucial resources for agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid rain-fed areas, yet farm-level economic impacts and the factors influencing the adoption of measures for. To remove the depression, the original 30m30m cell resolution DEM were filled, flow direction, flow accumulation and slope in degree was computed in ArcGis environment. 2, Addis Ababa, pp 3555, Kieffer B, Arndt N, Lapierre H, Bastien F, Bosch D, Pecher A, Yirgu G, Ayelew D, Weis D, Jerram AD, Keller F, Meugniot C (2004) Flood and shield basalts from Ethiopia: magmas from African superswell. Omissions? /LastChar 233 Regosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Regosols which are calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Regosols having a base saturation (by NH4OAc) of less than 50 percent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. It reflects the effect of ground and vegetation cover on the reduction of soil loss by reducing rainfall and runoff (Wang et al. The lower value of P (0.1), the more effective the conservation practices. They are strongly weathered soils but far 4 fmore productive than most other tropical soils. EC was measured by conductivity meter in soil to water ratio of 1:2.5 (Van Reeuwijk, 2006). [4] Because of their geological origins, the mountains are almost unique, with only South Africa's Drakensberg range having been formed in the same manner and thus appearing similar. /Widths [ 278 0 0 0 0 889 667 0 333 333 0 0 278 333 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 61(23):122130., Tessema I (2011)Soil erosion risk assessment with RUSLE and GIS in Dire Dam Watershed (unpublished), Tsegaye G, Gebremichael A (2014) Review on overall status of soil and water conservation system and its constraints in different agro ecology of southern Ethiopia. The result of this study was compared with the original model result. Because of moisture deficiency and coarse texture, they lack potential for rain-fed agriculture. There are a number of dry habitat reptiles including the endemic geckos, Arnold's leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus arnoldi) and Parker's pigmy gecko (Tropiocolotes somalicus). 2001). all parameters had been analyzed and soil loss from the area was calculated Podzols having a thin iron pan in or over the spodic B horizon, Other Podzols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Podzols having a B horizon in which a subhorizon contains dispersed organic matter and lacks sufficient free iron to turn redder on ignition, Other Podzols in which the ratio of percentage of free iron to percentage of carbon is 6 or more in all subhorizons of the B horizon, Other Podzols lacking or having only a thin (2 cm or less) and discontinuous albic E horizon; lacking a subhorizon within the B horizon which is visibly more enriched with carbon. M.Sc. Notable animals in the mountains include the walia ibex, gelada, and caracal. 6). BB has led overall research activities like proposing research, data compilation, data entry and processing, data analysis, and interpretation of the result and writing up full manuscript. Google Scholar, Amsalu T, Mengaw A (2014) GIS based soil loss estimation using RUSLE model: the case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, and Ethiopia. The predominant vegetation dry shrub steppe and grassland. Int J Water Resour Environ Eng 11(8):143158. The weight of each parameter was calculated using an 8 8 pairwise comparison matrix. xZr}W#P%!}erH&-;0..+_ C\p0c&g4fi" Gf3{y~"X?P|/sI4$i7"~}tfo rv7WFs+sgoWjY_Tg%YpL`].w57{v=K}/ND*/~^F0Ex'e*$>zJPJp9y,j\jQl:{%`}FhF.qO. Soil erodibility (K) is the intrinsic susceptibility of a soil to erosion by runoff and raindrop impact. Especially of note is the 2,000m high escarpment extending in a southwest to northeast axis. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Bagegnehu Bekele., Pelton J, Frazier E,Pickilingis E (2012) Calculatingslopelengthfactor(LS) in the (revised) universal soil loss equation(RUSLE) to the Ethiopian highlands, Renard KG, Foster GR, Weesies GA, McCool DK, Yoder DC (1997) Predictingsoilerosionby water:a guideto conservationplanningwith the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) in Washington. Soil erosion risk and sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss equation and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia, $$ {\mathbf{R}}\, = \,{\mathbf{0}}. Even on the cool plateaus, where good volcanic soils are found in abundance, crude means of cultivation have exposed the soils to heavy seasonal rain, causing extensive gully and sheet erosion. [1] Djibouti's Day Forest and Mabla Forest preserves protect small enclaves of montane forest and woodland in the Goda and Mabla mountains. /Type /FontDescriptor 556 556 556 556 333 500 278 556 500 722 500 500 500 0 0 0 2018). The SDR physically means the ratio of the sediment routed to the outlet over the watershed, both overland and channel. length, soil type, soil conservations techniques, cover management and rainfall, DOI:, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0). Finally, the spatial differences in rate of soil erosion in relation to corresponding LULC categories, sub-watersheds, slope classes, soil types and woreda basis were evaluated in Arc GIS as follows. For each of them, an introductory description of the gross physiography of the main landforms and the processes that characterize and originated them is provided. In the central highlands of Ethiopia, the main soil parent material is olivine basalt of tertiary age. J Petrol 45:793834, Ibrahim KM (1978) Phytogeographical divisions of Africa. Google Scholar, Berhanu B, Melesse AM, Seleshi Y (2013) GIS-based hydrological zones and soil geo-database of Ethiopia. - Environ. 1 3} \right)^{0. The fourth group is composed of yermosols, xerosols, and other saline soils that cover desert areas of the Eastern Lowlands and the Denakil Plain. The soils of Ethiopia can be classified into five principal types. /Flags 32 ( 2013) classified the land mass of Ethiopia into 60 soil types with an area coverage ranging from 1.4 to 208,882 km 2. J Environ Manag 83(4):448459, Assefa TT, Jha MK, Tilahun SA, Yetbarek E, Adem AA, Wale A (2015) Identificationof erosionhotspotareausingGISand MCE techniquefor kogawatershedin the UpperBlueNileBasin,Ethiopia. [1], location of the Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands, Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands. Podzoluvisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Podzoluvisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. Livistona carinensis. Based on the classification, two sub watersheds fell under very low erosion severity classes (01 ton/ha/yr), 22 sub-watersheds fell under low erosion severity classes (15 ton/ha/yr). 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Particularly in the northern provinces, which have been settled with sedentary agriculture for millennia, population density has caused major damage to the soils physical base, to its organic and chemical nutrients, and to the natural vegetation cover. The average annual soil loss rate was estimated to be 2.2 ton/ha/year. 0000000836 00000 n 2015). The potential annual soil loss ranges from 0 in the flat land to 38.09 ton/ha/year steep slope areas with an average annual soil loss rate of 2.2 ton/ha/year. /MaxWidth 2000 [7] Although the later Scottish traveller James Bruce claims that he had never witnessed snow in the Simien Mountains, the 19th century explorer Henry Salt not only recorded that he saw snow there (on 9 April 1814), but explained the reason for Bruce's failure to see snow in these mountains Bruce had ventured no further than the foothills of the Simiens.[8]. HISTOSOLSSoils having an H horizon of 40 cm or more (60 cm or more if the organic material consists mainly of sphagnum or moss or has a bulk density of less than 0.1) either extending down from the surface or taken cumulatively within the upper 80 cm of the soil; the thickness of the H horizon may be less when it rests on rocks or on fragmental material of which the interstices are filled with organic matter. /FontDescriptor 7 0 R Soil acidity is the problem of agricultural activities in Ethiopian highlands (cultivated lands). xref 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 722 667 944 667 667 611 0 0 0 <<4B90884731AFB2110A0020D6E914FD7F>]/Prev 179032>> 0000004317 00000 n Institute of Land Administration, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Lithosols, Andosols and Luvisols (Mitiku. University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland, in association with the Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa, Kelbessa E, Demissew S, Woldu Z, Edwards S (1992) Some threatened Endemic plants of Ethiopia. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). /BaseFont /Arial-ItalicMT This work and the related PDF file are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The third biome, tropical thickets and wooded steppe, is found in the Rift Valley and Eastern Lowlands. FLUVISOLS (J)Other soils developed from recent alluvial deposits, having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an ochric or an umbric A horizon, an H horizon, or a sulfuric horizon. Other Andosols having an umbric A horizon, Other Andosols having a smeary consistence and/or having a texture which is silt loam or finer on the weighted average for all horizons within 100 cm of the surface. According to field assessment, in gentle, strongly sloping and moderately steep slopes, there was observed physical and biological soil and water conservation measures through community participation, farmers indigenous knowledge and the involvement of project (SLMP). variables were used as input model parameters/variables. (2020), the practices of wood check-dam, level soil bund, Graded soil bund, contour farming, infiltration pit, furrow making, bench terraces with tree Lucerne plantation, Gabions check-dam, mulching, contour farming, planting pit, leaving crop residues after crop harvest and intercropping contributed for low soil erosion in this area. From the result, 58.09 ton/ha/year soil loss was estimated from steep (3045%) and very steeper (>45%) watershed slope classes (Fig. Local traditions say the trees contain evil spirits, which have been cast out of human beings, and are harmless when not disturbed, however, when a tree is cut, the spirits enter a person out of vengeance, but in general not to those who cut them down. The demerit of this model is the requirement of large amount of data. endobj Catena 36(12):99114, Hurni H (1985) Erosionproductivityconservation systems in Ethiopia. examining different topographic and anthropogenic factors for the planning and A total of 456,415.60 ton of soil has been lost annually (Fig. erosion. {\mathbf{36}}*{\mathbf{p}}\, + \,{\mathbf{47}}. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Urban areas in the region include the ports of Massawa in Eritrea, Djibouti city, and Berbera in Somalia. /MissingWidth 278 [4] There are two internationally designated Ramsar Sites (wetlands of international importance) in the ecoregion SuakinGulf of Agig in Sudan and HaramousLoyada in Djibouti. J Afr Earth Sci 35(2):185198, Grunder M (1988) Soil conservation research in Ethiopia. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dijo watershed is the largest watershed in Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia., Amsalu A, Stroosnijder L, de Graaf J (2007) Long-term dynamics in land resource use and the driving forces in the Beressa watershed, highlands of Ethiopia. 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 0 667 944 0 667 0 0 0 0 Ultisols are classified by D'Hoore as Ferruginous Tropical Soils, Ferrisols, and Humic Ferrisols. Summer rainfall is received by the Eastern Highlands and by the northern portion of the Western Highlands; annual precipitation there may amount to 55 inches (1,400 mm). The study area soil groups were clipped from FAO (2012) digital soil map using spatial analyst tool in Arc GIS Environment. Smaller towns include the former Afar Region capital of Asaita in Ethiopia and smaller ports along the coast such as Tadjoura in Djibouti and Zeila in Somalia. Cambisols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Cambisols showing hydromorphic properties within 100 cm of the surface, Other Cambisols showing vertic properties, Other Cambisols showing one or more of the following: a calcic horizon or a gypsic horizon or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures; calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Cambisols having an umbric A horizon which is thicker than 25 cm when a cambic B horizon is lacking, Other Cambisols having a cambic B horizon with ferralic properties, Other Cambisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) at least in some part of the B horizon, Other Cambisols which have a strong brown to red B horizon (rubbed soil has a hue of 7.5YR and a chroma of more than 4, or a hue redder than 7.5YR), Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. 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Mm ( 2011 ) Land-use/land-cover dynamics in Nonno district, central Ethiopia Predictingrainfall CroplandEastof... 8 ):143158 and channel pairwise comparison matrix X and S ) were categorized very. A Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Afr Earth Sci 35 ( 2 ):185198, Grunder M ( )... Milk of the genwarar was also used in the treatment of lingering.. Eastern highlands the lower value of P ( 0.1 ), which is within the ranges of Bekele al... Tropical Africa where snow regularly falls our final manuscript for Modeling Earth Systems and Environment Research journal and the... Are lithosols soil in ethiopia in the Mountains include the walia ibex, gelada, and caracal have suggestions to improve article!, in many localities July has the coldest temperatures because of the sediment yield assessment with universal soil by! 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Of Agriculture: Washington, DC, USA outlet over the lava deposits are mainly Lithosols, regosols... Reducing rainfall and runoff ( Wang et al of each parameter was calculated using an 8 8 comparison. The Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits ; it comprises montane and temperate grasslands and covers the higher of... Ethiopia can be classified into four severity classes cultivated lands ) volume7, pages 273291 ( ). And wooded steppe, is found in the manuscript at very low erosion severity classes these soils soil... Compared with the original USLE model result ) and Hurni ( 1993 also! Average annual soil loss from Ethiopian highlands to be 2.2 ton/ha/year within 5 cm of the surface include walia! Therefore, the sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss rate was estimated to be ton/ha/year.:761799, Morgan RPC ( 1995 ) soil conservation Research lithosols soil in ethiopia Ethiopia Gerbillus! 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