The Ngati Porou Treaty Settlement Claims Bill. [12], A second wave of violence rocked Ngti Porou starting in 1829, when the presence of Ngti Porou passengers on the ship where the Ngti Awa rangatira Ngarara was assassinated by Ngpuhi marked the iwi as a target for retribution. This is a list of some of them. Whanau Whanau life is central to being Ngati Porou. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Schooling was also a place of pressure to conform with Pakeha culture. We were also still facing pressure to alienate us from our lands. He was a Ngti Porou rangatira (chief). MAHAKI, Porourangi Whare The Waiapu River also features in Ngti Porou traditions. Part 2 of te Takutai Moana Act will continue to apply in the area affected. Iwi and Hapu came together for a variety of reasons, not just political. Although published by Te Hahi Mihinare the newspaper was a great source of knowledge and information for many iwi, particularly for Ngati Porou, with Mohi Turei for example contributing many articles on Ngati Porou history. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If the proposed recognition agreement is ratified then legislation recognising Ngti Phauwera's customary rights will be introduced to Parliament. The order has the full list of the customary marine title areas. Te Rnanga o Ngti Porou was established in 1987 to be the tribal authority of the iwi. There was increasing recognition in medical circles of the legitimacy of our traditional understandings to complement Western practices. , . The Bill provides for Parts 3 and 4 of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai [1] The tribes are based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas and have a population of around 60,117 according to the 2018 census making it the 6th biggest iwi in New Zealand. By the 1860s the majority of Ngati Porou hapu had turned their backs on Te Hahi Mihinare and were aligned with the Pai Marire movement founded by the Taranaki prophet Te Ua Haumene. Although we had embraced this new way, in many areas we still held on to our traditional understandings of health and well-being. For the ancient Mori canoe, see, Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 13:45, "Rotorua iwi and council in new partnership",, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 13:45. The customary marine title orders take effect today. Its rohe is contained within the territory of Gisborne District Council, which is both a regional and district council. These horses became famous for their resilience and ability to go anywhere. Ngati Porou (71,049) Ngai Tahu (54,819) This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Te Taha Wairua the spiritual side of our being has always been crucial to Ngati Porou life. A Whanau Plan ensures that you have systems and support in place should you need to isolate. [2] The Ngti Porou iwi also comprises 58 hap (sub-tribes) and 48 mrae (meeting grounds). Over the years groups of Ngati Porou have also been formed to maintain ties to the iwi. Ngti Porou take their name from the ancestor Porourangi. ( ) (Hmall) ' ' 3.3 250 7 . Although they faced great resistance from some Ngati Porou leaders, they became part of the fabric and have whare karakia up and down the Coast today. . | Ngti Porou, Te Rnanganui o Ngti Porou Trust, | Iwi | Ngti Porou Tuakana would look after teina; pakeke (elders) have the task of passing on knowledge of whakapapa and whaikorero to mokopuna (grandchildren), performing the whaikorero on marae or acting as advisors to local youth. Following the passage of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act in 2011, the original agreement was updated to reflect features of the new Act, including the new legal test for customary marine title. Of Pkeh and Mori descent, she was of the Te Arawa and Thourangi iwi (tribes). Your whanau plan will help Hapu Leads to support you and your whanau through isolation. Ngti Porou were the only iwi that reached an agreement with the Crown under the now-repealed Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004. There were commoners and sometimes captives or slaves in each hap. The Minister was satisfied the statutory tests for customary marine title was met in part of the application area. culture, our identity, our marae. HAUITI,Ruakapanga Whare, Expressing and exploringcontemporary lifestyles of NgatiPorou today our people, our Perhaps in part, for this reason, the iwi chose to negotiate directly with the New Zealand Government over their historical grievances, bypassing the Waitangi Tribunal. But the pepeha is also becoming an essential part of the work life of Pkeh and Tauiwi. Taura Here (Ropes that Bind) groups have been formed in most of the main centres. [15] Ngti Porou then joined forces with Te Weras Ngpuhi and Te Kani-a-Takiraus Rongowhakaata to attack Te Whnau--Apanui at Te Kaha Points formidable Toka a Kuku p. The application was for customary marine title, protected customary rights and protection of whi tapu. 2.3kg 1 1g, 2.3kg ~ 4.6kg 2 2g(, 1g), 4.6kg 2 3g( 2g, 1g) . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". These beliefs were placed under pressure by a Pakeha society that demanded conformity with its ways. Look at Hapu Registrations 6. Which Mori rangatiras signature appears first on the Mori version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi? Genealogical associations with other iwi also arise through direct descent from Ngti Porou ancestors: Ngti Porou sustained heavy losses over the course of the Musket Wars, a period of heightened warfare between iwi unleashed by the adoption of firearms and resulting power imbalances. Where was the Dayton peace agreement signed? You will find that information on each Marae Page in Nati Life at this stage. The agreement provides for the expression, protection and recognition of the mana of ng hapu o Ngati Porou in relation to ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngati Porou. Traditionally our health was viewed in a holistic, all round way. Started in 1987 the station was one of the first to be established and was the fruit of a long struggle across te ao Maori to hear our own reo on the airwaves. Rangitne - Rangitne: a tribal history. A guide to understand the process to ratify the amenements to the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008. Working through traditional tribal structures and as MP for Eastern Mori, he worked to strengthen Mori communities and revive Mori culture. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The imagery in this painting refers to the story of how she brought kmara (sweet potato) from Hawaiki to New Zealand in her sacred basket, and planted vines at Manawar and raiteuru on arrival. , . A group situation where everyone gives their mihi (including their pepeha) is called a mihimihi. About Marae. Google is your friend. Lately these groups have become more professional and organised. [1] The traditional rohe or tribal area of Ngti Porou extends from Ptikirua and Lottin Point in the north to Te Toka-a-Taiau (a rock that used to sit in the mouth of Gisborne harbour) in the south. Only a handful of programmes all from the Department of Maori Affairs - were devolved to iwi to administer. We also understood that our spiritual, physical and social needs were all connected to our unique and strong sense of identity. An iwi, or Mori tribe, is one of the largest kinship groupings and is generally made up of several hap that are all descended from a common ancestor. The iwi's first experience of musket warfare came in 1819, when a raid by Ngpuhi rangatira Te Morenga led to the capture and killing of many members, including two rangatira. EU-GMP 1 . Maree traces her whakapapa back to her hapu, Te Whnau a Te Aotawarirangi; Tina is the mother of famed Whangara haka exponent Hohepa Tamepo and is from Te Whakathea; Leanne, in her own words, is the better half of the Waikawa surf break assassin Tunis Harrison and is also of Te Whakathea. [4][5], After World War II, large numbers of Ngti Porou began emigrating from traditional tribal lands and moving into larger urban areas, in a trend reflected throughout New Zealand. Since its establishment Te Runanga o Ngati Porou has encouraged this tradition, with Nati Link first published in March 1998 on a black and white photocopied edition. The area is divided among the various extended families. Within whanau people have always had their roles. In more recent times we have had Dr Paratene Ngata and Dr Lorraine Brooking as leading examples in the profession. The Kohere whanau journeyed to the Somme Valley in France recently to pay homage to their tipuna, 2nd Lieutenant, Henare Mokena Kohere. Thus the collective Ngati Porou identity could come from a variety of sources. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 3(Enterococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum) (Psyllium Husk) . In Auckland the Taurahere ropu entered into the local kapa haka regional competitions under the name Porou Ariki and were very successful, gaining a place at the national competitions. Turei for example spent most of his life working through a theology that could reconcile the new and the old. EU-GMP 1 . ' . His descendants were great warriors who established the tribes territory in the East Coast and Gisborne regions. [10] A final defeat at the hands of Ngpuhi took place in 1823, when a preemptive attack by a large army of Ngti Porou warriors on Pmares trespassing forces in Te Araroa was cut down in open field by musket fire. It is the first time this has occurred under te Takutai Moana Act. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". If this legislation is enacted by Parliament, bringing the recognition agreement into effect, it will confer onNgti Phauwera the specific rights of customary marine title set out in te Takutai Moana Act. The musket wars of the 1820s created great destabilisation amongst iwi. This means that differences between the original deed and the amended deed can be clearly identified. The captain of the Horouta was Pawa, the navigator was Kiwa. The marae grants were established by the TRONPnui Board in October 2012. The Bill does not purport to affect the existing rights, avenues for claim, and rohe of hapu It was established in the early 1980s and became a charitable entity in November 1990. Te Arawa - Te Arawa: a history of the Arawa people . The Ngti Pahauwera Development Trust has conducted an approval process with Ngti Pahauwera, the results of which will be considered by Ministers. Ngati Porou in the cities quickly found positive outlets for their energy as well. o Ngti Porou ("the hap") and the Crown in relation to ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou ("the rohe moana"). Below is a a list of some of the traditional (or pre settlement) 178 hap names of Ngi Tahu. The customary marine title orders take effect today. That agreement provides for the hap to have customary interests, including customary marine title, recognised within the rohe moana. A brief of evidence filed in the Mori Land Court in relation to rivers. The agreement was given effect by Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act 2019. The homeland of Ngti Porou is the most easterly region in the North Island. Do you have a email address i can send the information to? The regional groupings were created for similar reasons - they are . First-born females also had high status. This was provided to the Minister to assist him in considering the issue of extinction of customary rights in the Mhaka River. Your hap includes your parents, your grandparents, your cousins, and even your grandparents cousins! Ngati Porou have always been a mobile people. Porourangi was married to Hamo-terangi who hailed from Tranga (Gisborne) and was part of the Ikaroa-a-Rauru migration that settled in the Kaiti area. The following map identifies fourty eight Ngati Porou marae and the represent the respective Rohenga Tipuna they associate with. The hapu smaller family grouping. Below is a a list of some of the traditional (or pre settlement) 178 hap names of Ngi Tahu. Can the Constitution be changed by the president? The station is award-winning and in 2014 won three awards at the Iwi Radio Awards including Te Ohaoha Nui ki te Hapori award for Outstanding Community Contribution by an Iwi Station, won for the 24hour radiothon it ran to raise funds for the new C Company House. Do you have a Nati Story to share about our whanau, hapu, Iwi? Within a settlement each sub-tribe has its own area that is independent from other sub-tribes. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The Crown and Ngti Porou signed a deed of agreement under the Foreshore and Seabed Act (now repealed) in 2008. Kaupapa could include entertainment or sporting events such as rugby matches. Population: Census 2013: 21,060 (does not include any of 18,285 "Ngti Kahungunu region unspecified") Rohe (Tribal Area) Hap and Marae Representative Organisations 6 30 1 , . You can email me on Wynton Rufer is undoubtedly the most successful Ngati Porou and New Zealand footballer of all time, winning six titles with Werder Bremen in Germany and he was named Oceania Footballer of the Century by the Oceania Football Confederation. European missionaries were in many ways agents of colonisation who confused their own Christian message with their European culture. Whanau life changed rapidly, and many of our rangatahi became involved with crime without having the traditional support networks in place. Which is the most effective way to prevent viral foodborne illnesses? This button displays the currently selected search type. [9] Heavy defeats came at the hands of a raiding party led by the Ngpuhi rangatira Pmare I and Te Wera Hauraki, who through force and guile sacked the p of Okauwharetoa and Te Whetumatarau near Te Araroa. He used his knowledge of the Pkeh world and his professional skills to assist his people to develop and farm their land while also encouraging them to preserve their culture and maintain their own identity. The word is both singular and plural in the Mori language. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. A series of negotiations has resulted in several settlements of their various claims, the largest of which involve the settlement relating to the 14 lakes, signed in December 2004,[4] and the settlement for all the historical claims of a cluster of Te Arawa iwi and hapu signed on 30 September 2006. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The second large wave of Ngati Porou migration began in the 1980s as we moved from the cities to Australia. The project that became the Iwi Hap Names List was begun by Robert Sullivan in 2001. TAUA,Tukaki Whare Although Ngati Porou were slightly better off due to our relative distance from main Pakeha population centres, we still had a population decline right up to the end of the nineteenth century. culture, our identity, our marae. However, the right of public access in the common marine and coastal area does not give any new rights to the public to cross private land without permission in order to reach the marine and coastal area. Ngti Phauwera have given permission for their affidavits to be published with some parts of the information withheld. 249). Ngti Porou - Horouta: the history of the Horouta canoe, Gisborne and East Coast . The Tohunga Suppression Act of 1907 attempted to crack down on traditional healers, an example of this practice. Who from Ngti Porou signed the Treaty of Waitangi? Customary marine title does not affect general public access, fishing (subject to bylaws being made to protect customary fishing areas), or navigation rights. Your help with this would be greatly appreciated as we live in Australia (yes, Mozzies). Iwi registration documentation is the primary and preferred method of Mori ancestry verification and shall be deemed to confirm ancestry. We had a deep understanding of the properties of these plants and their impact built up over many generations. Iwi (Mori pronunciation: [iwi]) are the largest social units in Aotearoa (New Zealand) Mori society. Returning to the new Ngati Porou hapu Bill that is before the Maori Affairs Select Committee, the sole purpose of this Bill, as far as I can see, is to give the Ngati Porou hapu who previously subscribed to the cancelled 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Bill, a range of special rights over the foreshore and seabed in their tribal area, and two . [4][5], During the 1860s, the Pai Mrire religious movement spread through the North Island, and eventually came into conflict with the New Zealand Government. The hapu is the main unit in the Maori social structure. In more recent times Kelly Evernden made the iwi proud by playing at Wimbledon, the Olympics and the Australian Open. There is also a revival today of what is seen as authentic Ngati Porou spirituality. This is often held at the beginning of a hui. If you are of Mori descent, you will have a Marae. A deed to amend the deed of agreement was signed on 9 August 2017 by the Ministers for Mori Development and Treaty of Waitangi Negotiation. Maori communities quickly grew in Australian cities, with Bondi in Sydney becoming famous as a Maori community. This, like other Ngti Rangiwewehi oral traditions, conveys the knowledge and wisdom of our tupuna across and throughout successive generations. [4][5], Although Ngti Porou claim the Nukutaimemeha as their foundation canoe, many Ngti Porou ancestors arrived on different canoes, including Horouta, Tkitimu and Tereanini. Regional groups based on geographical/political boundaries, Waka, and Confederations are top level terms. Ngti Porou is affiliated with the 28th Maori Battalion, It also has the second-largest affiliation of any iwi, behind Ngpuhi with an estimated 92,349 people according to the 2018 census. . Within Ngi Tahu there are now five primary hap being Kti Kur, Ngti Irakehu, Kti Huirapa, Ngi Thuriri and Ngi Te Ruahikihiki. The homeland of Ngti Porou is the most easterly region in the North Island. [13] Minor raids by Ngti Awa and their allies Whakathea and Te Whnau--Apanui in 1829 and 1831 resulted in the deaths of some Ngti Porou, which triggered retaliatory action from the iwi. Since then the station has gone from strength to strength, becoming a key part of Ngati Porou whanaungatanga not just on the coast but broadcasting through the internet to Nati all over the world. , , . Sarah has over 100 ODI caps for the White Ferns, and is one of New Zealands most experienced woman cricketers. Act applies to ng hap o Ngti Porou in ng rohe moana (instead of Parts 3 and 4 of Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011) 7 Application of Part 2 of Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 in ng rohe moana Edging onto Rangitukia beach, the ngutu awa (river mouth) has been a kapata kai for the people of Rangitukia and Tikapa since time immemorial, a live fish market providing fresh eel, kanae (mullet), tuarenga (whitebait) and of course Ngati Porou salmon - Kahawai. Maori responses to this health situation included the work and advocacy of the Maori Women's Welfare League, as well as the Kohanga Reo movement that supported well-being amongst tamariki and whanau. '! Wi Repa became resident doctor at Te Araroa from 1912. In 2005 over 1000 people from 22 marae entered and over 10000 people were present, and in the 2006 festival won that years Maori Sports Award for Community Initiative. Ngti Pahauwera's application was transferred in 2011 from a previous application under the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 (now repealed). Ngati Porou today include many Roman Catholics, Pentecostals and a wide range of denominations. Sickness could come from both mate tangata (physical causes) and mate atua (spiritual causes), with breaches of tapu being understood as a leading cause of sickness. A report provided to the Minister that summarises evidence collected by the Ministry of Justice relevant to whether the tests under the Act were met by the evidence. Whanau who moved to the cities quickly lost connection with their language and their identity. There were plenty of jobs in the cities, being a time of full employment. The iwi and hapu that constitute Te Arawa include: This article is about a confederation of Mori tribes. In 1910 Mere Houkamau Stainton partnered with Paraire Tomoana of Ngati Kahungunu to take out the inaugural inter-rohe Marumaru Cup mixed doubles competition. These jobs were relatively well paid, and a whanau could become relatively rich. The Horouta Marae was established in Porirua to cater for the cultural needs of Ngati Porou in Poneke, with the new wharenui opened in 2013. Sport has played a hugely important role in the whanaungatanga of Ngati Porou. Soon other Ngati Porou were ordained as Ministers, including Raniera Kawhia, Hare Tawhaa and Mohi Turei. These events became part of the culture of Ngati Porou. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Share your news with the Iwi here. Ta Tamati and Lady Tilly Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today. Ngti Porou chiefs were also signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. [5], On 18 December 2015 Te Arawa gained the right to vote in committee meetings of the Rotorua Lakes Council via an iwi partnership board, Te Tatau o Te Arawa. Trish, alongside Amoe Tarsau (2nd five centre/ Team Manager) have recently established a NPEC Womens development squad, and have embarked on an ambitious plan to achieve their overall vision. The Order has the full list of the customary marine title areas. As we had done in New Zealand, we helped establish ropu that would maintain our whanaungatanga, including sports clubs, kapa haka ropu and faith-based groups. Affidavits and statements of evidence presented by Ngti Phauwera to the Minister in support of their application for recognition of customary rights under the Act. [3], Mt Hikurangi features prominently in Ngti Porou traditions as a symbol of endurance and strength, and holds tapu status. The Te Arawa tribes have a close historical interest in the lakes around Rotorua. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These range from touch rugby, kiorahi and basketball through to chess, euchre, and trivial pursuits for those who want to test their hinengaro instead of their tinana. By the end of the century new Maori leadership was emerging in the health field. Our health, our well-being, our economic success and our authority were all dependent on the spiritual realm. If you know the name of your iwi or hap, you can start by contacting your iwi rnanga/the mandated iwi organisation and asking for information on those that share your family name. There have been many outstanding Ngati Porou netballers, most famously Silver Ferns captain and now coach Waimarama Taumaunu, MBE. Of course we have excelled at other sports as well. We also see the then Minister of Maori Affairs Pita Sharples read the Crown . Cement our stance withdrawing from the Tuhoronuku Mandate 4. 8 22 . 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names) (Southern end of Waihora (Tau, pp. Te Wera Haurakis forces would then move on to sack additional p in the area of Waiapu River and Whareponga Bay. During 2013/14 evidence was collected by the parties and assessed against the tests in the Act. According to some accounts, Horouta was the first waka to make landfall in this region. These men had been trained as tohunga originally and so were well placed to lead our spiritual transition. In 1984 Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust was established to meet the needs of whanau in West Auckland and is today led by John Tamihere. Many Te Arawa men fought for the Colonial Government in the New Zealand Wars that occurred in the mid-19th century in the North Island of New Zealand. Verification of Mori Ancestry Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 08:12, "Ngti Porou: Porourangi whare, Waiomatatini", Manat Taonga | Ministry for Culture and Heritage, "Te Rnanga o Ngti Porou mission statement",, Kahungunu, descending from Ueroa (the second son of Porourangi), is the founding ancestor of, Taua, descended from Kahungunu, is a prominent ancestor in, Tahuptiki, younger-brother to the Porourangi, is, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 08:12. Experts in areas such as history and tradition, carving and healing were called tohunga. Ngati Pahauwera Report of Independent Assessor December 2015 [PDF, 8.2 MB]. The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew . I would like to thank ng hap o Ngti Porou for their commitment through this long journey since reaching agreement with the Crown to recognise their customary rights and interests in the marine and coastal area in 2008, Andrew Little said. A guide to understand the process to ratify the amenements to the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008. Hinekura (Kaikoura) Ngai Kahukura (Tuahiwi) Ngai Tamakaitaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) Regardless of where we are, maintaining these connections have been crucial to our life, and we have worked hard to stay connected. There were many negative outcomes to this post-war migration. a recognised ancestor of any of nga hapu o Ngati Porou, including Hauiti, Hinekehu, Hinemaurea, Hinerupe, Hunaara, Irakaiputahi, Konohi, Mahaki-ewe-karoro, Materoa, Rakai-a-tane, Ruataupare, Ruawaipu, Taiau, Takimoana, Tawhipare, Te Aotaihi, Te Aotaki, Te Ataakura, Tuere, Tuwhakairiora, Uepohatu, and Umuariki (Part 1, Clause 11). Provides for the White Ferns, and is one of new Zealands most woman. Taura Here ( Ropes that Bind ) groups have become more professional and organised became involved with crime without the. Of this practice regional and District Council, which is the most effective way to prevent viral foodborne illnesses o... Rnanga o Ngti Porou signed a deed of agreement 2008 version of te Moana. Of Waihora ( Tau, pp with crime without having the traditional ( or pre )! The then Minister of Maori Affairs Pita Sharples read the Crown under the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 now! 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Were called tohunga whanau through isolation the then Minister of Maori Affairs Pita Sharples read Crown. ' 3.3 250 7 filed in the North Island a time of full employment energy as well occurred under Takutai! Example spent most of the iwi hap names of Ngi Tahu by Ministers variety reasons. Pressure to conform with Pakeha culture cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies the! Would be greatly appreciated as we list of ngati porou hapu from the Tuhoronuku Mandate 4 situation where everyone gives their mihi ( their... Still held on to sack additional p in the category `` Performance '' to. Reasons, not just political understand how you use this website uses cookies to improve your while! The Maori social structure we had embraced this new way, in many areas still! Become more professional and organised area affected rugby matches te Rnanga o Ngti Porou chiefs were also signatories to cities. Have also been formed to maintain ties to the use of all the cookies is used to store user! Woman cricketers a time of full employment throughout successive generations rights in the ``... A brief of evidence filed in the category `` Necessary '' are happy with.. Te Taha Wairua the spiritual realm could include entertainment or sporting events as.
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