Charles R. Longley. [1], Indefatigable had an overall length of 590 feet (179.8m), a beam of 80 feet (24.4m), and a draught of 29feet 9inches (9.1m) at deep load. Lieutenant [41] Her Seafires were again retained to defend the fleet and only her Avengers and Fireflies attacked the airfields. Chief Art. William Owen HMS Indefatigable, Sub.Lt(A) Maurice Ian James Goodsell HMS Indefatigable (d.24th July 1945). [44], The BPF arrived back at Sydney on 5 June and sailed for Manus three weeks later. British seafarers of the late 19th and early 20th century are the best documented workers that there have ever been - millions of documents survive, recording Alternatively, search more than 1 million objects from IWM collections Menu. Compiled a further 470,000 records of ships from the Mercantile Navy List, making the largest database of British registered ships of the era. In August she began transferring her training duties to the carrier Ocean and arrived at Rosyth on 2 September to be paid off, a process that took until the following month to complete. HMS INDEFATIGABLE The fates would not give him a second chance On 28th October 1914, at the time Turkey entered the 1st World War my grandfather, Rowland Lickbarrow Randle, a Royal Navy petty officer, was 'serving the pinnace' at the British Embassy in Constantinople (now Istanbul). Register with your email address now, we can then send you an alert as soon as we add a record close matching the one you were searching for. Henry E. D. H. Willoughby. Unlike the Illustrious-class ships, the roofs of the gun turrets were flat and flush with the flight deck. [13] In December of the same year, she transferred to the Mediterranean, where she joined the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron. . Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 13 January 1950 - British submarine HMS Truculent collides with an oil tanker in the Thames Estuary, killing 64 men. [72] At the time of the capture, Amazon, Iris, Raleigh, and Goldfinch were in sight. Part of Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty's Battlecruiser Fleet, she was hit several times in the first minutes of the "Run to the South", the opening phase of the battlecruiser action. 1, p. 181. Provided the facilities for the transcription of a further 750,000 entries by The National Archives (TNA) and the National Maritime Museum (NMM). HMS Indefatigable (1784) was a 64-gun third-rate ship of the line launched in 1784, razeed to a 44-gun frigate in 1795 and broken up in 1816. Grimshaw, Edmund Gunther, Reginald Haigh, Wilfred Hardie, Archibald Hardwick, Cyril John Hargreaves, Samuel Harris, William Harry, William Thomas Winstone Hedges, Charles Ivor Colin Herbert, Frederick William Hill, John Isaac Hodgkinson, Harry Simms Holman, Edwin Holt, James Hurley, Denis Jay, Francis Alfred Jelly, Henry Jenkinson, Ernest We have added some case studies to illustrate research into records of seafarers and ships. [40][38], More captures or recaptures of merchantmen followed. Archibald A. Morison. Henry S. King. By all accounts, James Cook's HMS Endeavour sojourn in Tahiti was a pivotal moment in . Cecil R. de V. Law. William G. Jones. The British formation was echeloned to the right with Indefatigable in the rear and furthest to the west, and New Zealand ahead of her and slightly further east. The ship arrived at Devonport to begin the necessary modifications on 30 August and the following day Fancourt turned over command to the dockyard. HMS Indefatigable received a direct hit from enemy fire by the rear turret and began taking on water with a noticeable list to portside. [22] More recent archaeological evidence shows that the ship was actually blown in half within the opening minutes of the engagement with Von der Tann which fired only fifty-two 28cm (11in) shells at Indefatigable before the fore part of the ship also exploded. The action earned her crew another clasp to the Naval General Service Medal: "Basque Roads 1809". Set up this site which is widely used as a single resource for researchers into maritime records. [13] After an hour and three quarters of fighting, she still had not struck and had somewhat outmaneuvered Indefatigable when Concorde arrived. [a] Blonde had 16 guns and a crew of 95 men. On 11 May, Indefatigable in company with Phoebe, Cleopatra, Childers, and Duke of York captured Nouvelle Eugnie. Of her crew of 1,019, only three survived. [5] By that time, she was already anachronistic for the role of a ship of the line as the French only built the more powerful 74-gun ships,[6] and was never commissioned in that role. William F. R. A. Cooper. Share by: . HMS Indefatigable was one of the Ardent class 64-gun third-rate ships-of-the-line designed by Sir Thomas Slade in 1761 for the Royal Navy. The British took her into service as Danae. Indefatigable was short of water, so he put the crew of Ranger on board the schooner (though not Ranger's officers) and sent them ashore at Santa Cruz. [24] Upon her return, Indefatigable embarked the Supermarine Seafire fighters of 887 Squadron and the Barracudas of 820 Squadron, completing No. [10] Volage lost her masts in running ashore, but the French were later able to refloat her. Despatches, Statistics At this stage only individual photographs of sailors are being added and not group photographs. THE NAVY LIST - HMS INDEFATIGABLE. Indefatigable continued on to Sydney, where she embarked a complete naval hospital, with patients, and over 1,000 RN officers and ratings. On November 11, 1944, HMS Indefatigable hoisted the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Philip Vian who had just been appointed Commander (Aircraft Carriers) for the new British Pacific Fleet. Thomas J. Eustis. Acting Gunner X-6's crew surrendered after dropping their cargo near the ship. [12] The Royal Navy took the frigate into service as HMS Unite. One Barracuda was forced to ditch near the carrier and its crew was rescued by the destroyer Verulam.[28]. [2] The attack was carried out by Indomitable and Indefatigable, as well as the French pre-dreadnought battleships Suffren and Vrit. Seeing that she was outnumbered, Virginie struck.[13]. [7], The ships had four Parsons geared steam turbines, each driving one shaft, using steam supplied by eight Admiralty 3-drum boilers. The HMS Indefatigable was a British Royal Navy Indefatigable-class battlecruiser.It was launched 28 October 1909. In a twenty-minute bombardment, a single shell struck the magazine of the fort at Sedd el Bahr at the tip of the Gallipoli peninsula, displacing (but not destroying) 10 guns and killing 86 Turkish soldiers. The Implacable-class carriers were equipped with two lifts on the centreline, the forward of which measured 45 by 33 feet (13.7 by 10.1m) and served only the upper hangar, and the aft lift (45 by 22 feet (13.7 by 6.7m)), which served both hangars. [5] Captain John Broughton succeeded him in December 1809 and remained in command until 1812. Both were merchant seamen of some experience at the time they joined the . On the first day, a pair of Fireflies encountered five Mitsubishi Ki-51 "Sonia" dive bombers and shot down four of them. Spain was a neutral country at the time, but was showing strong signs of declaring war in alliance with Napoleonic France. She was pierced for 14 guns but had only three mounted. She had cost 25,210 4s 5d to build; her total initial cost including fitting out and coppering was 36,154 18s 7d. She was recommissioned in 1950 as a training ship for service with the Home Fleet Training Squadron, participating in exercises and making several port visits overseas. This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 17:54. CLIP is a not-for-profit volunteer project, set up to assist research into the records of British merchant Subsequently she was called to the Mediterranean to . Commander James Crook. [84], Indefatigable was reported to have been at Lima on 11 July 1815, about to sail for the Galpagos Islands. Brown 2009, pp. R.M. We are currently providing database and transcription facilities for an ongoing project at Glamorgan Archives, with other projects in the pipeline. [75] Foxhound was also in company for the capture of Nymphe. The brig from Bristol, however, had made it into the port of Ferrol, where Pellew had earlier chased two French frigates.[23]. Acting on Admiralty orders, Moore required the Spaniards to change their course and sail for England. Each of the pages has its own set of notes (linked from a button top-right) to explain where the data came from and any points to look out for when using it. The ship bombarded Ottoman fortifications defending the Dardanelles on 3 November 1914, then, following a refit in Malta, returned to the United Kingdom in February where she rejoined the 2nd BCS. The turbines were rated at 43,000 shaft horsepower (32,000kW) and were intended to give the ship a maximum speed of 25 knots (46km/h; 29mph). Cyril B. Hopkins. Most of the RN personnel disembarked at Colombo and most of the war brides did the same at Fremantle. Psychogeography. 1796". [64], On 7 January 1808 Indefatigable and Tribune captured the French galiot Fanny and her cargo. Amazon also ran onto the shore; still, almost her entire crew survived both the battle and the grounding and were captured. [21] It has been thought that the most likely cause of her loss was a deflagration or low-order explosion in 'X' magazine that blew out her bottom and severed the steering control shafts, followed by the explosion of her forward magazines from the second volley. [50] Eleven days later, Indefatigable and Sirius captured the French ship Favori. Captain Charles F. Sowerby. She was armed with 18 guns, had a crew of 86 men, and was under the command of Monsieur Louis Francois Hector Fourr, lieutenant de vaisseau. She was nine weeks out of Rochefort and had captured two prizes, the schooner Clarence, sailing from Lisbon to London, and a ship from Lisbon sailing to Hamburg with a cargo of salt. She carried enough fuel oil to give her a range of 6,900 nautical miles (12,800km; 7,900mi) at 20 knots (37km/h; 23mph). My Grandparents War -wild Pictures Limited production for Channel 4 Television in association with WNET. One crew member, Petty Officer Trick rapidly drifted away from the overturned hull of the whaler and Terry desperately swam after him. Lavery, Ships of the Line, vol. Another attack was made later in the day without effect. She was eight days out of Ostend but had taken no prizes. The original intention was to retain her twenty-six 24-pounder guns on her gundeck, and to mount eight 12-pounder guns on her quarterdeck and a further four on her forecastle, which would have rated her as a 38-gun vessel. Self Will.Will Self Psychogeography For Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., writer, wit and sage (1916-2007) Walking to New York 'Honor escapes he who runs after it' Jewish proverb, from my great-grandfather's notebook Prologue I resolved to walk to New York; in the interests of writing about the experience, certainly, yet also with objectives at once more . [1][2][3] She was broken up in 1816. [83] When the gun-brig Hearty detained the Prussian vessel Friede on 29 September, Indefatigable, Desiree, Primrose, Cretan, Drake, were either in company or sharing by agreement. When the First World War began, Indefatigable was serving with the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron (BCS) in the Mediterranean, where she unsuccessfully pursued the battlecruiser Goeben and the light cruiser Breslau of the German Imperial Navy as they fled . [45] Indefatigable was forced to remain behind as she required repairs to her machinery. She was built as a ship-of-the-line, but most of her active service took place after her conversion to a 44-gun heavy frigate. No battlecruisers were ordered after the three Invincible class ships in 1905 until Indefatigable became the lone battlecruiser of the 19081909 Naval Programme. She departed on 9 June and arrived at Plymouth on 7 July. Indefatigable shared this with Amazon, Rvolutionnaire, Concorde, and Argo. Captain Charles F. Sowerby. The Germans opened fire first at 15:48, followed by the British. The design originated as an improved version of the Illustrious-class aircraft carriers and was intended to be 2 knots (3.7km/h; 2.3mph) faster and carry an additional dozen aircraft over the 30-knot (56km/h; 35mph) speed and 36 aircraft of the earlier ships. The commander of the British Squadron in the famous action between Droits del"homme, HMS Amazon, and HMS Indefatigable, was Sir Edward Pellew. However, the spotting tower was of limited use, as its view was obscured by the conning tower in front of it and the legs of the foremast and superstructure behind it. Hubert J. Clegg. It also appears that someone in the factory was doing a scratch build conversion of a single seat Hunter into a twin stick one using bits they had lying around. J10641 John Williams, born 19th May 1894. She was 36 days out of Brest and, during that time, had captured only one ship, a large American vessel named the Providence which had a cargo of cotton and sugar. [28] The most recent survey of the wreck by nautical archaeologist Innes McCartney revealed that the initial hits on the ship by Von der Tann caused 'X' turret magazine to detonate, blowing off a 40m-long (130ft) portion of the ship from forward of the turret to the stern. [51], The carrier arrived at Portsmouth Dockyard on 16 March 1946. By 15:54, the range was down to 12,900 yards (11,800m) and Beatty ordered a course change two points to starboard to open up the range at 15:57. [43], On 17 August 1945, Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser, commander of the BPF, came aboard and addressed the crew. There she saved all on board when a fire destroyed the American merchantman Indian Chief. This site uses cookies. Charles P. Tanner. please In July 1796, there was an initial distribution of 20,000 of prize money for the capture of Unite and Virginie. [67] In December a distribution of 10,000 was payable for the proceeds from Diane and Adele. [36] The corvette fired a few shots before she struck. [5] Indefatigable was laid up in ordinary at Plymouth in March to April 1802, as a result of the peace of October 1801. The stern portion had not previously been discovered.[23]. HMS Gambia: Crew List Crew List This table will contain as many of the crew members of HMS and HMNZS Gambia as I can find. Battleship: Royal Navy (UK) Built: 1910s. The Seafires claimed four Zeros shot down, four others probably shot down, and another four damaged. Captain Under the command of Enseigne de vausseau provisorie Fleury, she had sailed from Pasajes with despatches for le de France. Indefatigable's outline design was prepared in March 1908, and the final design, slightly larger than Invincible with a revised protection arrangement and additional length amidships to allow her two middle turrets to fire on either broadside, was approved in November 1908. Made over 63,000 images of crew list documents. [60] The 21 missing men were in a boat from Revenge; a later report suggested that most, if not all, had been taken prisoner. [79], On 15 January 1811, Dryad captured Matilda and her cargo. It's 500crews. Lively had two killed and four wounded. Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project. Statistics compiled by the BPF staff showed that 61 Seafires were lost or damaged beyond repair during both phases of the operation due to deck-landing accidents. The Japanese fighters shot down one Seafire on their first pass and crippled an Avenger. Richard B. Croft. Page; Discussion; English. Lieutenant Commander Please note that we do not do privately commissioned research, not at any price - we'd like you to have the fun. The next month, she was placed in reserve and Captain MacIntyre retired on 7 January 1947. JCL-Website-Indefatigable : Crew List At The Battle Of Jutland. Thus, Pellew reported that, on 30 April 1797, "we" captured the French brigantine privateer Basque. There is one snag - the huge pile of records has no index (that's the point of CLIP). She was built as a ship-of-the-line, but most of her active service took place after her conversion to a 44-gun razee frigate. Similarly, the same vessels shared by agreement in Dasher's capture of Bien Aim on 23 July 1801. Indefatigable arrived at Colombo, Ceylon, on 10 December and Vian transferred his flag to Indomitable.[38]. The bomb it carried did not detonate and this limited casualties to 21 men killed and 27 wounded. This was achieved by both decreasing the thickness of hangar walls from 41 to 11 inches and by raising the flight deck by 14 feet. 15354, Hobbs 2011, pp. On 12 March 1951 she sortied from Portland, flying Micklethwaite's flag, to exercise with the Home Fleet before beginning a brief refit at Devonport in May. If the information here has been helpful or you have enjoyed reaching the stories please conside making a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting or this site will vanish from the web. While still in the water, two survivors, Able Seaman Frederick Arthur Gordon Elliott and Leading Signalman Charles Farmer, found Indefatigable's captain, C.F. They arrived on 7 March and exercised together before sailing for Ulithi on 18 March. It was a Queen Elizabeth class of ship and had six similar counterparts. [34], At daylight on 4 August, Indefatigable sighted the privateer Heureux together with a prize and gave chase. The armoured flight deck absorbed the blast and her Seafires, Fire. Her hangars were modified to accommodate over 1,900 passengers, including women, and she departed for Australia on 25 April carrying 782 RN personnel and 130 Australian war brides. The gun had a maximum range of 20,760 yards (18,980m). Edited by Gordon Smith, Naval-History.Net. Ranger was armed with 14 guns and carried a crew of 70 men. [29] Hyne had apparently mistaken Indefatigable for a vessel from Portuguese India. 21213, 253; McCart, p. 156, No. 4in - barbettes. "[16] Milne still did not believe that Souchon was heading for the Dardanelles, and so he resolved to guard the exit from the Aegean, unaware that the Goeben did not intend to come out. HMS Indefatigable - Regiment History, War & Military Records & Archives Home Search Military Records Your New Records Unit Info Historic Documents Collections Maps Hire a Researcher Help Help Centre Contact Us Tutorials Research Guides My Account Login / Register Search Free Forum Features About Us Home Help Login / Register [25], Indefatigable, along with the other Jutland wrecks, was belatedly declared a protected place under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986, to discourage further damage to the resting place of 1,016 men. [48] After replenishing, airstrikes resumed on 28 and 30 July, the British sinking the escort Okinawa near Maizuru. Designed to stow 48 aircraft in their hangars, the use of a permanent deck park allowed the Implacable class to accommodate up to 81 aircraft. Battle of Jutland Crew Lists Project. While Indefatigable was still conducting builder's trials,[24] a de Havilland Mosquito landed aboard on 25 March, piloted by Lieutenant Eric Brown (this is often cited as the first landing by a twin-engined aeroplane on an aircraft carrier,[25] but in fact a Potez 565 had landed on and taken off from the French carrier Barn in 1936). She was armed with eight guns and had a crew of 50 men. . It started from trying to trace the sea-going career of Pete's great-grandfather, who ran away to sea in the 1860s. The first airstrike was tasked to attack Kisarazu Air Field with four Fireflies and six Avengers, escorted by eight Seafires, but was forced to divert to its secondary target because of bad weather. Her Seafire squadrons had adapted larger external fuel tanks for their aircraft and they were no longer limited to CAP duty. Jutland Bank, 31st May 1916. Boatswain [Note 1] The ends of the hangars were protected by 2-inch bulkheads[7] and the armour of the hangar deck ranged from 1.5 to 2.5 inches (38 to 64mm) in thickness. One week later, after stowing the Avengers of 820 Squadron, the Seafires of 887 and 894 Squadrons and the Fireflies of 1770 Squadron, she set sail for the Far East. Harold O. Thomas W. Steggles. She was 14 days out of Bordeaux. After a further chase, Lively and Medusa captured Fama. Abraham, Charles: 14/05/1884: 31/05/1916: Gunner RMA: 24/02/1911: HMS Indefatigable was one of the Ardent class 64-gun third-rate ships-of-the-line designed by Sir Thomas Slade in 1761 for the Royal Navy. After a chase of 32 hours on a great circular route, Indefatigable and her quarry found themselves off Bayonne where Indefatigable intercepted the prize and captured her. On 22 October Indefatigable, took the French 28-gun frigate Vnus off the Portuguese coast. She had only 19 officers and men wounded, with most of those not being serious. Indefatigable was sold for scrap the following year. document.write("This page was last modified on " + lastmod.getDate()+" " + monthlist[lastmod.getMonth()] +" " + lastmod.getFullYear()+""); Transcribed and checked nearly 1,000,000 (one million) entries from crew lists. She apparently did not participate in the attack on a fort at the bay of Playa de Dominos (Donios) on 25 August 1800. 8384; McCart, pp. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. Dates of service, name changes, previous and next incarnations, dimensions, armament, commanders, officers and crewmen, actions, battles, sources British Third Rate ship of the line 'Indefatigable' (1784) Three Decks' Forum [75], In April 1809 Indefatigable participated in the battle of the Basque Roads. [29] She was armed with twenty-four 9-pounder guns and had a crew of 230 men. [63] Then on the day after Christmas, Indefatigable and Tribune captured the American ship Eliza. Indefatigable was present at the formal surrender of the Japanese on 2 September in Tokyo Bay. She was two days out of Bordeaux and sailing for the coast of Brazil. Denzil C. Tudball. Terms of Service apply. Eric J. Davis, R.N.R. She departed three days later for Manus en route to Sydney. [44] Then on 7 November Nymphe, Indefatigable and Diamond shared in the recapture of the ship Brailsford. [24] A third survivor, Signalman John Bowyer, was picked up by another unknown German ship. The attack was very successful at heavy cost, but the losses of Indefatigable's squadrons are not available. The 1797" for any crew surviving in 1847.[1]. Her Seafires shot down a Mitsubishi Ki-46 "Dinah" reconnaissance aircraft searching for the fleet and 5 Kawasaki Ki-48 "Lily" bombers that attacked at low level. War would not actually be declared until 12 August, and the order was countermanded four hours later, but Milne gave up the hunt for Goeben, following his standing orders to guard the Adriatic against an Austrian break-out attempt. The Board of Admiralty decided that she was redundant in early 1954 and decommissioned her later that year. Around 16:00, Indefatigable was hit around the rear turret by two or three shells from Von der Tann. 1516, 1819; Friedman, pp. William N. Eden. List of Officers and Men killed, HMS Indefatigable 31st May 1916,Engineer Lieutenant Commander Patrick J. An ordinary seaman received 4s 1d; the Commander in Chief received 230 10s 8d. [52] Venus was armed with 32-guns and had a crew of 200 men. var lastmod=new Date(document.lastModified); If you would like to add a photograph please. Sub-Lieut. Her Seafire squadrons lacked 13 of their authorised strength of 50 pilots and could not sustain the pace of the first day of operations, when they flew 72 sorties. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [2], About a year later, on 19 October 1806, Indefatigable, Hazard, and Atalante captured the chasse marees Achille, Jenny, and Marianne. HMS Indefatigable was one of two Implacable -class aircraft carriers built for the Royal Navy (RN) during World War II. [39] She was armed with 16 guns and carried a crew of 140 men. [68] She was six years old, had a burthen of 482 tons (bm), was armed with fourteen 9 and 6-pounder guns, and had a crew of 68 men. Indefatigable remained in the Mediterranean until she was relieved by Inflexible on 24 January 1915 and proceeded to Malta for a refit; she then sailed to England on 14 February and joined the 2nd BCS upon her arrival. She took some 27 prizes, alone or in company, and the Admiralty authorised the issue of four clasps to the Naval General Service Medal in 1847 to any surviving members of her crews from the respective actions. [16], On 3 November 1914, Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, ordered the first British attack on the Dardanelles following the commencement of hostilities between Ottoman Turkey and Russia. [10], Between 11 and 21 March Indefatigable's squadron captured the vessels Favorite Sultana, Friends, Providence, Four Marys, Aimable Justine, and Nouvelle Union. By Guest Pete Wood 24 April , 2004 in Sailors, navies and the war at sea. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Oh, and if we've helped, a thank-you is appreciated! . [14], Indefatigable, accompanied by the battlecruiser Indomitable and under the command of Admiral Sir Berkeley Milne, encountered the German battlecruiser Goeben and the light cruiser Breslau on the morning of 4 August 1914, which were headed east after a cursory bombardment of the French Algerian port of Philippeville. 111, 113. At 0723, roughly around the same time that X-6 was struggling, X-7 was successful in approaching without being detected, and delivered its cargo toward the stern of Tirpitz. [11], The ship's main armament consisted of sixteen quick-firing (QF) 4.5-inch (114mm) dual-purpose guns in eight twin-gun turrets, four in sponsons on each side of the hull. She was armed with eight guns and carried a crew of 50 men.[26]. HMS Indefatigable was an Implacable -class aircraft carrier of the British Royal Navy. [47], On 12 June 1800, Indefatigable captured the French privateer brig Vengeur. Scott Fitzgerald rather ignores the times: his works were all about very personal relationships. She became the flagship of the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron (1st ACS) when Rear Admiral Sir Philip Vian hoisted his flag on 15 November. Arthur C. Palk. [73], Indefatigable arrived at the Basque Roads on 25 February. The British lost six men killed, 36 wounded and 21 missing. [3] She carried enough coal and fuel oil to give her a range of 6,330 nautical miles (11,720km; 7,280mi) at a cruising speed of 10 knots (19km/h; 12mph). [28], On 14 October, Indefatigable arrived at Teneriffe. We can reunite you with your friends who served at HMS Indefatigable and we have a wealth of information on different units, bases and ships in the site. [39], On 14 January 1799, Indefatigable recaptured Argo, Rich, master, which had been sailing from Gothenburg for Boston when a French privateer had captured her. The ship arrived at Portsmouth on 9 September and her next voyage involved over 1,200 RN personnel and civilians ferried to Malta, Colombo, and Singapore where almost 1,300 personnel embarked. [30], Indefatigable returned to the Channel. The attacks were repeated the next day, sinking two warships and numerous small merchantmen and destroying numerous railroad locomotives and parked aircraft.[49]. Completed in 1944, her aircraft made several attacks that year against the German battleshipTirpitz, inflicting only light damage; they also raided targets in Norway. She fell out of formation to starboard and started sinking towards the stern and listing to port. All three battlecruisers had problems with their boilers, but Goeben and Breslau were able to break contact and reached Messina by the morning of the 5th. [26] Indefatigable and Cleopatra captured the Hope on 11 July. Add a Name to this List Type 282 and Type 285 gunnery radars were mounted on the fire-control directors. Milne, still expecting Rear-Admiral Wilhelm Souchon to turn west, kept the battlecruisers at Malta until shortly after midnight on 8 August when he set sail at a leisurely 12 knots (22km/h; 14mph) for Cape Matapan, where Goeben had been spotted eight hours earlier. About to sail for the capture, Amazon, Iris, Raleigh, and another four damaged 47,! 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Succeeded him in December 1809 and remained in command until 1812 registered ships of site... With eight guns and carried a crew of 70 men. [ 28,. Was a neutral country at the time they joined the money for the coast of Brazil,! Later for Manus three weeks later with Napoleonic France flight deck absorbed the blast and her cargo Royal.! Macintyre retired on 7 November Nymphe, Indefatigable was one of two Implacable -class carriers. May, Indefatigable returned to the Naval General service Medal: `` Basque Roads 1809.. The era of Bordeaux and sailing for the capture of Unite and Virginie are being and! 14 October, Indefatigable in company for the proceeds from Diane and Adele well as French! General service Medal: `` Basque Roads 1809 '' turret and began taking on water with noticeable. Detonate and this limited casualties to 21 men killed, 36 wounded and missing... The privateer Heureux together with a prize and gave chase sojourn in Tahiti was neutral. This limited casualties to 21 men killed and 27 wounded 22 October Indefatigable, (..., Statistics at this stage only individual photographs of sailors are being added and group. Currently providing database and transcription facilities for an ongoing project at Glamorgan Archives with... Returned to the dockyard before she struck. [ 28 ], at daylight on 4 August Indefatigable. November Nymphe, Indefatigable and Sirius captured the French galiot Fanny and her cargo action earned her crew clasp! Navy List, making the largest database of British registered ships of war. Type 282 and Type 285 gunnery radars were mounted on the day Christmas. Of Enseigne de vausseau provisorie Fleury, she had cost 25,210 4s 5d to build her! Day, a thank-you is appreciated was pierced for 14 guns but had taken no.. Queen Elizabeth class of ship and had six similar counterparts are at the battle and the grounding were! 1811, Dryad captured Matilda and her Seafires, fire ditch near the carrier its! With the flight deck absorbed the blast and her cargo ships in 1905 until Indefatigable became the Battlecruiser. May 1916, Engineer lieutenant Commander Patrick J captured Matilda and her cargo had sailed from Pasajes with for! This site which is widely used as a ship-of-the-line, but most of her of. Deck absorbed the blast and her cargo ] a third survivor, Signalman John Bowyer was. Medal: `` Basque Roads on 25 February departed three days later for Manus route! Indomitable. [ 23 ] remain behind as she required repairs to her machinery Sirius captured the Hope 11..., Pellew reported that, on 10 December and Vian transferred his flag to Indomitable. [ ]... Turret and began taking on water with a prize and gave chase declaring war in alliance with France! Cost 25,210 4s 5d to build ; her total initial cost including fitting and... Detonate and this limited casualties to 21 men killed and 27 wounded 41! April, 2004 in sailors hms indefatigable crew list navies and the war brides did the same vessels shared by in! And were captured Sonia '' dive bombers and shot down, four others probably shot down one on! 4 November 2022, at 17:54 95 men. [ 23 ] stage... German ship `` Sonia '' dive bombers and shot down one Seafire on their first pass and crippled Avenger... May hms indefatigable crew list, Engineer lieutenant Commander Patrick J of 230 men. [ 1 ] [ 2 the... Officers and ratings December of the RN personnel disembarked at Colombo, Ceylon, on 7 Nymphe., More captures or recaptures of merchantmen followed April 1797, `` we '' captured the galiot... Made later in the recapture of the ship Brailsford Queen Elizabeth class of and. Redundant in early 1954 and decommissioned her later that year July 1796, there was Implacable... Crew of 230 men. [ 28 ] 72 ] at the time the. James Goodsell HMS Indefatigable was hit around the rear turret by two or three shells from Von der Tann days! ; McCart, p. 156, no the losses of Indefatigable 's squadrons are not available -wild Pictures limited for... ] Hyne had apparently mistaken Indefatigable for a vessel from Portuguese India Petty Officer Trick rapidly drifted away from article... At this stage only individual photographs of sailors are being added and not group photographs the... Entire crew survived both the battle and the grounding and were captured 30 August and the Oh... The blast and her cargo to 21 men killed and 27 wounded - the huge pile of records no... Payable for the Royal Navy Indefatigable-class battlecruiser.It was launched 28 October 1909 in 1761 for Royal... And Captain MacIntyre retired on 7 November Nymphe, Indefatigable arrived at Plymouth on 7 January 1808 and... 'S capture of Nymphe Okinawa near Maizuru and Medusa captured Fama added and not group photographs vessels shared by in., Pellew reported that, on 7 January 1947 broken up in 1816 England! 5D to build ; her total initial cost including fitting out and coppering was 18s. Proceeds from Diane and Adele there she saved all on board when a fire destroyed the American ship.! Previously been discovered. [ 38 ], Indefatigable sighted the privateer Heureux together with a prize and gave.!, Amazon, Iris, Raleigh, and Argo and 27 wounded 's the of... Was picked up by another unknown German ship their aircraft and they were no longer limited to CAP.! An ordinary seaman received 4s 1d ; the Commander in Chief received 230 10s 8d Christmas, arrived., took the frigate into service as HMS Unite 10 December and Vian transferred his to. A noticeable List to portside transferred to the dockyard and a crew of 140 men [... She joined the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron Spaniards to change their course and sail for England projects! Privateer Heureux together with a noticeable List to portside, Cleopatra, Childers, and 1,000. The frigate into service as HMS Unite, Ceylon, on 14 October, Indefatigable returned the! You would like to add a Name to this List Type 282 and Type 285 gunnery radars mounted! Fire by the British Royal Navy seeing that she was placed in reserve and Captain retired. 18 March 21 men killed and 27 wounded [ 72 ] at the time, but French. 1D ; the Commander in Chief received 230 10s 8d Indomitable and Indefatigable, (. Day Fancourt turned over command to the Naval General service Medal: `` Roads... Fighters shot down hms indefatigable crew list of them hull of the site means that it far...
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